libmpv  20200718-git-96cdf53
development library for the MPV media player
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 Cmpv_byte_array(see mpv_node)
 Cmpv_event_start_fileSince API version 1.108
 Cmpv_nodeGeneric data storage
 Cmpv_node_list(see mpv_node)
 Cmpv_opengl_drm_draw_surface_sizeFor MPV_RENDER_PARAM_DRM_DRAW_SURFACE_SIZE
 Cmpv_opengl_drm_params_v2For MPV_RENDER_PARAM_DRM_DISPLAY_V2
 Cmpv_opengl_init_paramsFor initializing the mpv OpenGL state via MPV_RENDER_PARAM_OPENGL_INIT_PARAMS
 Cmpv_render_frame_infoInformation about the next video frame that will be rendered
 Cmpv_render_paramUsed to pass arbitrary parameters to some mpv_render_* functions
 Cmpv_stream_cb_infoSee mpv_stream_cb_open_ro_fn callback