CCR BeagleBone Tools  v0.0.1-2206
Production Tools for BeagleBone Devices
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BeagleBone Tools

CCR_SMK is a dummy package that depends on SMK. The SMK tool allows very simple text messages to be logged and retrieved.

Key Description
available since 2017-01
package filename ccr_smk-xyz.deb
configuration none
cron job none
script none
example none

To install:

sudo dpkg -i ccr_smk-*.deb smk-*.deb

The smk tool can be run directly from the command-line to add, delete, or view messages. The messages are available in many different formats, including tab-delimited, json, and ANSI-colour text. For example:


Having the messages available in different formats makes it easy to use on a web page, to be sent remotely for logging, or as a login message.

See Also
For additional information on how to use SMK, see the documentation: