Hoops Visualize HPS  version 2018-SP2
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HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit Class Reference

The HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit class is a user space object. More...

#include <sprk_exchange.h>

Inheritance diagram for HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit:
Collaboration diagram for HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit:

Public Member Functions

 ImportOptionsKit ()
 The default constructor creates an empty ImportOptionsKit object. More...
 ImportOptionsKit (ImportOptionsKit const &in_kit)
 The copy constructor creates a new ImportOptionsKit object that contains the same settings as the source ImportOptionsKit. More...
 ImportOptionsKit (ImportOptionsKit &&in_that)
 The move constructor creates an ImportOptionsKit by transferring the underlying impl of the rvalue reference to this ImportOptionsKit thereby avoiding a copy and allocation. More...
ImportOptionsKitoperator= (ImportOptionsKit &&in_that)
 The move assignment operator transfers the underlying impl of the rvalue reference to this ImportOptionsKit thereby avoiding a copy. More...
virtual ~ImportOptionsKit ()
HPS::Type ObjectType () const
void Set (ImportOptionsKit const &in_kit)
 Copies the source ImportOptionsKit into this ImportOptionsKit. More...
void Show (ImportOptionsKit &out_kit) const
 Copies this ImportOptionsKit into the given ImportOptionsKit. More...
ImportOptionsKitoperator= (ImportOptionsKit const &in_kit)
 Copies the source ImportOptionsKit into this ImportOptionsKit. More...
bool Empty () const
 Indicates whether this ImportOptionsKit has any values set on it. More...
bool Equals (ImportOptionsKit const &in_kit) const
 Check if the source ImportOptionsKit is equivalent to this ImportOptionsKit. More...
bool operator== (ImportOptionsKit const &in_kit) const
 Check if the source ImportOptionsKit is equivalent to this ImportOptionsKit. More...
bool operator!= (ImportOptionsKit const &in_kit) const
 Check if the source ImportOptionsKit is not equivalent to this ImportOptionsKit. More...
ImportOptionsKitSetBRepMode (BRepMode in_mode)
 Sets the import mode for BRep data in the CAD file. More...
ImportOptionsKitSetSolids (bool in_state)
 Sets whether to import solids from the CAD file. More...
ImportOptionsKitSetSurfaces (bool in_state)
 Sets whether to import surfaces from the CAD file. More...
ImportOptionsKitSetWireframes (bool in_state)
 Sets whether to import wireframes from the CAD file. More...
ImportOptionsKitSetPMI (bool in_state)
 Sets whether to import PMI from the CAD file. More...
ImportOptionsKitSetAttributes (bool in_state)
 Sets whether to import attributes (or metadata) from the CAD file. More...
ImportOptionsKitSetHiddenObjects (bool in_state)
 Sets whether to import hidden objects from the CAD file. More...
ImportOptionsKitSetConstructionAndReferences (bool in_state)
 Sets whether to import construction and references from the CAD file. More...
ImportOptionsKitSetActiveFilter (bool in_state)
 Sets whether to only import data from the active filter in the CAD file. More...
ImportOptionsKitSetFeatureTrees (bool in_state)
 Sets whether to import feature trees from the CAD file. More...
ImportOptionsKitSetDrawings (bool in_state)
 Sets whether to import drawings from the CAD file. More...
ImportOptionsKitSetDefaultUnits (Units in_units)
 Sets the units to use for a CAD file if it is not well defined. More...
ImportOptionsKitSetMultiProcessCount (unsigned int in_count)
 Sets the number of processes to use when performing the import. More...
ImportOptionsKitSetSewingTolerance (double in_tolerance)
 The sewing tolerance to use on the A3DAsmModelFile after importing a file. More...
ImportOptionsKitSetPMISubstitutionFont (char const *in_font_name, bool in_always_substitute=false)
 Sets the font to use to replace those referenced by the CAD file but which are not present on the system. More...
ImportOptionsKitSetPMIPrecision (size_t in_precision)
 Sets the precision to use for PMI which has no precision information in the CAD file. More...
ImportOptionsKitSetPMIDefaultUnits (Units in_units)
 Sets the units to use for the PMI in the CAD file if it is not well defined. More...
ImportOptionsKitSetPMIFlipping (bool in_flip)
 Dictates whether Visualize will flip pmi when rotating so that text / symbols remain readable. More...
ImportOptionsKitSetPMIDefaultColor (RGBColor const &in_color, bool in_override_color=false)
 Sets the color to use for the PMI in the CAD file if none is specified. More...
ImportOptionsKitSetTessellationCleanup (bool in_cleanup)
 Dictates whether Exchange tesselation data will be released from their parent representation items during import. More...
ImportOptionsKitSetTessellationLevel (Tessellation::Level in_level)
 Sets the predefined quality of the tessellation that will be generated for BRep data. More...
ImportOptionsKitSetTessellationLevel (Tessellation::Chord::Limit in_limit_type, double in_limit, double in_angle_tolerance)
 Sets the user defined quality of the tessellation that will be generated for BRep data. More...
ImportOptionsKitSetTessellationAccuracy (Tessellation::Accuracy in_type, bool in_accurate_normals=true)
 Sets the accuracy of the tessellation that will be generated for BRep data. More...
ImportOptionsKitSetTessellationPreservesUVPoints (bool in_state)
 Sets whether to keep parametric points as texture coordinates when generating the tessellation for BRep data. More...
ImportOptionsKitSetTessellationMaximumEdgeLength (double in_length)
 Sets the maximum length of triangle edges in the tessellation generated for BRep data. More...
ImportOptionsKitSetTextureDirectories (size_t in_count, UTF8 const in_directories[])
 Sets the directories to search to find textures referenced by a CAD assembly. More...
ImportOptionsKitSetTextureDirectories (UTF8Array const &in_directories)
 Sets the directories to search to find textures referenced by a CAD assembly. More...
ImportOptionsKitSetSearchDirectories (size_t in_count, UTF8 const in_directories[], bool const in_recurse_flags[])
 Sets the directories to search to find files referenced by a CAD assembly. More...
ImportOptionsKitSetSearchDirectories (UTF8Array const &in_directories, BoolArray const &in_recurse_flags)
 Sets the directories to search to find files referenced by a CAD assembly. More...
ImportOptionsKitSetSearchDirectories (size_t in_count, UTF8 const in_directories[], UTF8 const in_logical_names[], bool const in_recurse_flags[])
 Sets the directories to search to find files referenced by a CAD assembly. More...
ImportOptionsKitSetSearchDirectories (UTF8Array const &in_directories, UTF8Array const &in_logical_names, BoolArray const &in_recurse_flags)
 Sets the directories to search to find files referenced by a CAD assembly. More...
ImportOptionsKitSetSearchDirectoriesByFile (size_t in_count, UTF8 const in_file_names[])
 Sets the directories to search to find files referenced by a CAD assembly. More...
ImportOptionsKitSetSearchDirectoriesByFile (UTF8Array const &in_file_names)
 Sets the directories to search to find files referenced by a CAD assembly. More...
ImportOptionsKitSetSearchRootDirectory (bool in_state, bool in_recursive=true)
 Sets whether to search the CAD file root directory for sub-parts. More...
ImportOptionsKitSetConfiguration (char const *in_configuration)
 Sets the configuration to import from a CAD file. More...
ImportOptionsKitSetConfiguration (size_t in_count, UTF8 const in_configuration[])
 Sets a nested configuration to import from a CAD file. More...
ImportOptionsKitSetConfiguration (UTF8Array const &in_configuration)
 Sets a nested configuration to import from a CAD file. More...
ImportOptionsKitSetCatiaV4LogicalNameForRootDirectory (char const *in_name)
 Sets the logical name for the root directory for a Catia V4 file. More...
ImportOptionsKitSetCatiaV4LogicalNameSearching (bool in_state)
 Sets the whether to allow searching in additional logical names for a Catia V4 file. More...
ImportOptionsKitSetCatiaV5Cache (bool in_active, char const *in_path)
 Sets whether to use the a cache for a Catia V5 file. More...
ImportOptionsKitSetUnigraphicsPreferredReferenceSets (size_t in_count, UTF8 const in_reference_sets[], bool in_apply_to_all_levels)
 Sets the preferred reference sets for a Unigraphics file. More...
ImportOptionsKitSetUnigraphicsPreferredReferenceSets (UTF8Array const &in_reference_sets, bool in_apply_to_all_levels)
 Sets the preferred reference sets for a Unigraphics file. More...
ImportOptionsKitSetUnigraphicsFittedCamera (bool in_state)
 Sets whether to make view cameras fitted for a Unigraphics file. More...
ImportOptionsKitSetProECodePageName (char const *in_name)
 Sets the code page name for a Pro/E file. More...
ImportOptionsKitSetProEDimensionTolerance (bool in_state)
 Sets whether to import dimension tolerances for a Pro/E file. More...
ImportOptionsKitSetProESubpartPMI (bool in_state)
 Sets whether to import subpart PMI for a Pro/E file. More...
ImportOptionsKitSetProESessionColor (ProE::SessionColor in_type)
 Sets the session color for a Pro/E file. More...
ImportOptionsKitSetProEMissingBoolean (bool in_state)
 Sets whether to import the entities making up a boolean operation for a Pro/E file, in the case where the tessellation for the result of this boolean operation cannot be found. More...
ImportOptionsKitSetProEMissingFlexibleComponent (bool in_state)
 Sets whether to try to import a flexible component for a Pro/E file, even in the case where the tessellation for the component cannot be found. More...
ImportOptionsKitSetProEFamilyTableSource (ProE::FamilyTable in_source)
 Sets the source for Family Tables for a Pro/E file This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsProEData::m_eFamilyTables. More...
ImportOptionsKitSetProEHomeView (bool in_state)
 Sets whether to create an additional Home View for a Pro/E file. More...
ImportOptionsKitSetProEExplodedViews (bool in_state)
 Sets whether to create additional Views for a Pro/E file, with each view representing an explode state. More...
ImportOptionsKitSetProEDatum (bool in_state)
 Sets whether datums are visible, for a Pro/E file This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsProEData::m_bDisplayVisibleDatum. More...
ImportOptionsKitSetProEConstructionEntities (ProE::ConstructionEntities in_state)
 Sets whether to import construction entities for a Pro/E file This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsProEData::m_eReadConstrucEntities. More...
ImportOptionsKitSetProESkeletons (bool in_state)
 Sets whether to import skeleton entities for a Pro/E file. More...
ImportOptionsKitSetSTEPNamePreference (STEP::Field in_field)
 Sets the field to get the occurrence name from for a STEP file. More...
ImportOptionsKitSetSTEPCodePageName (char const *in_name)
 Sets the code page name for a STEP file. More...
ImportOptionsKitSetSTEPFirstColorPreference (bool in_state)
 Sets whether to prefer the first color if geometry has several colors for a STEP file. More...
ImportOptionsKitSetSTEPShellBasedSurfaceModelSplitting (bool in_state)
 Sets whether to split SHELL_BASED_SURFACE_MODEL with several OPEN_SHELLs into several bodies for a STEP file. More...
ImportOptionsKitSetSTEPOrientationHealing (bool in_state)
 Sets whether to heal orientations for a STEP file. More...
ImportOptionsKitSetSTEPValidationProperties (bool in_state)
 Sets whether to import validation properties for a STEP file. More...
ImportOptionsKitSetIFCCodePageName (char const *in_name)
 Sets the code page name for an IFC file. More...
ImportOptionsKitSetIFCAttributeXMLFile (char const *in_filename)
 Sets the file to write attribute data to in XML format for an IFC file. More...
ImportOptionsKitSetIFCOwnerHistoryOptimization (bool in_state)
 Sets whether to optimize the setting of IFCOWNERHISTORY for an IFC file. More...
ImportOptionsKitSetIFCFaceOptimization (bool in_state)
 Sets whether to optimize importing of faces. More...
ImportOptionsKitSetIFCEdges (bool in_state)
 Sets whether to import edges for IFC files When this is set to false the import time will decrease. More...
ImportOptionsKitSetIFCMetadata (bool in_state)
 Sets whether to import all IFC metadata or to import only each part's GloablID. More...
ImportOptionsKitSetPDF3DStreamIndex (size_t in_index)
 Sets the index into the list 3D streams contained in a PDF to load. More...
ImportOptionsKitSetJTTessellationLevel (JT::TessellationLevel in_jt_tessellation_level)
 Sets the tessellation level to load for JT files. More...
ImportOptionsKitSetInventorEmbeddedTessellation (bool in_state)
 Whether to use the tessellation embedded in the file, for Inventor files. More...
ImportOptionsKitSetPRCReadHelper (bool in_use_helper)
 Sets whether to create an A3DRWParamsPrcReadHelper when importing a PRC file or a PRC stream. More...
ImportOptionsKitSetAnnotationCaptureFitting (AnnotationCaptureFitting in_fitting)
 Sets the type of data that should be used to generate the camera for annotation captures. More...
ImportOptionsKitSetLocation (ComponentPath const &in_path, MatrixKit const &in_transform=MatrixKit())
 Sets where to insert the imported file in an existing Component hierarchy. More...
ImportOptionsKitSetMode (ImportMode in_mode)
 Sets the type of import to perform. More...
ImportOptionsKitSetIncrementalComponentPath (HPS::ComponentPath const &in_path)
 The path to the product occurrence to load. More...
ImportOptionsKitSetIncrementalComponentPaths (size_t in_count, HPS::ComponentPath const in_paths[])
 The paths to the product occurrences to load. More...
ImportOptionsKitSetIncrementalComponentPaths (HPS::ComponentPathArray const &in_paths)
 The paths to the product occurrences to load. More...
ImportOptionsKitSetNURBSConversion (HPS::Exchange::NURBSConversionOptionsKit const &in_nurbs_conversion_options)
 Converts the curves and surfaces of the model file according to the options specified. More...
ImportOptionsKitSetGeometryDefaultColor (RGBAColor const &in_color)
 Sets the color to use for non-PMI geometry in the CAD file if none is specified. More...
ImportOptionsKitUnsetBRepMode ()
 Removes the BRep mode import setting. More...
ImportOptionsKitUnsetSolids ()
 Removes the solid import state. More...
ImportOptionsKitUnsetSurfaces ()
 Removes the surface import state. More...
ImportOptionsKitUnsetWireframes ()
 Removes the wireframe import state. More...
ImportOptionsKitUnsetPMI ()
 Removes the PMI import state. More...
ImportOptionsKitUnsetAttributes ()
 Removes the attribute import state. More...
ImportOptionsKitUnsetHiddenObjects ()
 Removes the hidden objects import state. More...
ImportOptionsKitUnsetConstructionAndReferences ()
 Removes the construction and references import state. More...
ImportOptionsKitUnsetActiveFilter ()
 Removes the active filter import state. More...
ImportOptionsKitUnsetDrawings ()
 Removes the drawing state. More...
ImportOptionsKitUnsetFeatureTrees ()
 Removes the feature trees import state. More...
ImportOptionsKitUnsetSewingTolerance ()
 Removes the sewing tolerance setting. More...
ImportOptionsKitUnsetDefaultUnits ()
 Removes the default units setting. More...
ImportOptionsKitUnsetMultiProcessCount ()
 Removes the multi-process count setting. More...
ImportOptionsKitUnsetPMISubstitutionFont ()
 Removes the PMI substitution font setting. More...
ImportOptionsKitUnsetPMIPrecision ()
 Removes the PMI precision setting. More...
ImportOptionsKitUnsetPMIDefaultUnits ()
 Removes the PMI default units setting. More...
ImportOptionsKitUnsetPMIDefaultColor ()
 Removes the PMI default color setting. More...
ImportOptionsKitUnsetTessellationLevel ()
 Removes the tessellation level setting. More...
ImportOptionsKitUnsetTessellationAccuracy ()
 Removes the tessellation accuracy setting. More...
ImportOptionsKitUnsetTessellationCleanup ()
 Removes the tessellation cleanup setting. More...
ImportOptionsKitUnsetPMIFlipping ()
 Removes the pmi flipping setting. More...
ImportOptionsKitUnsetTessellationPreservesUVPoints ()
 Removes the tessellation UV preservation setting. More...
ImportOptionsKitUnsetTessellationMaximumEdgeLength ()
 Removes the tessellation maximum edge length setting. More...
ImportOptionsKitUnsetTextureDirectories ()
 Removes the texture search directories setting. More...
ImportOptionsKitUnsetSearchDirectories ()
 Removes the search directories setting. More...
ImportOptionsKitUnsetSearchDirectoriesByFile ()
 Removes the search directories by file setting. More...
ImportOptionsKitUnsetSearchRootDirectory ()
 Removes the search root directory setting. More...
ImportOptionsKitUnsetConfiguration ()
 Removes the configuration setting. More...
ImportOptionsKitUnsetCatiaV4LogicalNameForRootDirectory ()
 Removes the Catia V4 logical name for the root directory setting. More...
ImportOptionsKitUnsetCatiaV4LogicalNameSearching ()
 Removes the Catia V4 logical name searching setting. More...
ImportOptionsKitUnsetCatiaV5Cache ()
 Removes the Catia V5 cache setting. More...
ImportOptionsKitUnsetUnigraphicsPreferredReferenceSets ()
 Removes the Unigraphics preferred reference sets setting. More...
ImportOptionsKitUnsetUnigraphicsFittedCamera ()
 Removes the Unigraphics fitted camera setting. More...
ImportOptionsKitUnsetProECodePageName ()
 Removes the Pro/E code page name setting. More...
ImportOptionsKitUnsetProEDimensionTolerance ()
 Removes the Pro/E dimension tolerance setting. More...
ImportOptionsKitUnsetProESubpartPMI ()
 Removes the Pro/E subpart PMI setting. More...
ImportOptionsKitUnsetProESessionColor ()
 Removes the Pro/E session color setting. More...
ImportOptionsKitUnsetProEDatum ()
 Removes the Pro/E datum setting. More...
ImportOptionsKitUnsetProEHomeView ()
 Removes the Pro/E home view setting. More...
ImportOptionsKitUnsetProEExplodedViews ()
 Removes the Pro/E exploded views setting. More...
ImportOptionsKitUnsetProEMissingBoolean ()
 Removes the Pro/E missing boolean setting. More...
ImportOptionsKitUnsetProEMissingFlexibleComponent ()
 Removes the Pro/E missing flexible setting. More...
ImportOptionsKitUnsetProEFamilyTreeSource ()
 Removes the Pro/E family table setting. More...
ImportOptionsKitUnsetProEConstructionEntities ()
 Removes the Pro/E construction entities setting. More...
ImportOptionsKitUnsetProESkeletons ()
 Removes the Pro/E skeletons setting. More...
ImportOptionsKitUnsetSTEPNamePreference ()
 Removes the STEP name preference setting. More...
ImportOptionsKitUnsetSTEPFirstColorPreference ()
 Removes the STEP first color preference setting. More...
ImportOptionsKitUnsetSTEPCodePageName ()
 Removes the STEP code page name setting. More...
ImportOptionsKitUnsetSTEPShellBasedSurfaceModelSplitting ()
 Removes the STEP shell based surface model splitting setting. More...
ImportOptionsKitUnsetSTEPOrientationHealing ()
 Removes the STEP orientation healing setting. More...
ImportOptionsKitUnsetSTEPValidationProperties ()
 Removes the STEP validation properties setting. More...
ImportOptionsKitUnsetIFCCodePageName ()
 Removes the IFC code page name setting. More...
ImportOptionsKitUnsetIFCAttributeXMLFile ()
 Removes the IFC attribute XML file setting. More...
ImportOptionsKitUnsetIFCOwnerHistoryOptimization ()
 Removes the IFC owner history optimization setting. More...
ImportOptionsKitUnsetIFCFaceOptimization ()
 Removes the IFC face optimization setting. More...
ImportOptionsKitUnsetIFCEdges ()
 Removes the IFC edges setting. More...
ImportOptionsKitUnsetIFCMetadata ()
 Removes the IFC metadata setting. More...
ImportOptionsKitUnsetPDF3DStreamIndex ()
 Removes the PDF 3D stream index setting. More...
ImportOptionsKitUnsetJTTessellationLevel ()
 Removes the JT tessellation level setting. More...
ImportOptionsKitUnsetInventorEmbeddedTessellation ()
 Removes the Inventor embedded tessellation setting. More...
ImportOptionsKitUnsetPRCReadHelper ()
 Removes the PRC read helper setting. More...
ImportOptionsKitUnsetAnnotationCaptureFitting ()
 Removes the annotation capture fitting setting. More...
ImportOptionsKitUnsetLocation ()
 Removes the location setting. More...
ImportOptionsKitUnsetMode ()
 Removes the mode setting. More...
ImportOptionsKitUnsetIncrementalComponentPaths ()
 Removes the incremental component paths setting. More...
ImportOptionsKitUnsetNURBSConversion ()
 Removes the NURBS conversion setting. More...
ImportOptionsKitUnsetGeometryDefaultColor ()
 Removes the geometry default color setting. More...
ImportOptionsKitUnsetEverything ()
 Removes all settings from this ImportOptionsKit. More...
bool ShowBRepMode (BRepMode &out_mode) const
 Shows the BRep mode import setting. More...
bool ShowSolids (bool &out_state) const
 Shows the solid import setting. More...
bool ShowSurfaces (bool &out_state) const
 Shows the surface import setting. More...
bool ShowWireframes (bool &out_state) const
 Shows the wireframe import setting. More...
bool ShowPMI (bool &out_state) const
 Shows the PMI import setting. More...
bool ShowAttributes (bool &out_state) const
 Shows the attribute import setting. More...
bool ShowHiddenObjects (bool &out_state) const
 Shows the hidden objects import setting. More...
bool ShowConstructionAndReferences (bool &out_state) const
 Shows the construction and references import setting. More...
bool ShowActiveFilter (bool &out_state) const
 Shows the active filter import setting. More...
bool ShowDrawings (bool &out_state) const
 Shows the drawings import setting. More...
bool ShowFeatureTrees (bool &out_state) const
 Shows the feature trees import setting. More...
bool ShowSewingTolerance (double &out_tolerance) const
 Shows the sewing tolerance setting. More...
bool ShowDefaultUnits (Units &out_units) const
 Shows the default units setting. More...
bool ShowMultiProcessCount (unsigned int &out_count) const
 Shows the multi-process count setting. More...
bool ShowPMISubstitutionFont (UTF8 &out_font_name, bool &out_always_substitute) const
 Shows the PMI substitution font setting. More...
bool ShowPMIPrecision (size_t &out_precision) const
 Shows the PMI precision setting. More...
bool ShowPMIDefaultUnits (Units &out_units) const
 Shows the PMI default units setting. More...
bool ShowPMIDefaultColor (RGBColor &out_color, bool &out_override) const
 Shows the PMI default color setting. More...
bool ShowTessellationLevel (Tessellation::Type &out_type, Tessellation::Level &out_level, Tessellation::Chord::Limit &out_limit_type, double &out_limit, double &out_angle_tolerance) const
 Shows the tessellation level setting. More...
bool ShowTessellationAccuracy (Tessellation::Accuracy &out_type, bool &out_accurate_normals) const
 Shows the tessellation accuracy setting. More...
bool ShowTessellationCleanup (bool &out_cleanup) const
 Shows the tessellation cleanup setting. More...
bool ShowPMIFlipping (bool &out_pmi_flipping) const
 Shows the pmi flipping setting. More...
bool ShowTessellationPreservesUVPoints (bool &out_state) const
 Shows the tessellation UV preservation setting. More...
bool ShowTessellationMaximumEdgeLength (double &out_length) const
 Shows the tessellation maximum edge length setting. More...
bool ShowTextureDirectories (UTF8Array &out_directories) const
 Shows the texture search directories setting. More...
bool ShowSearchDirectories (UTF8Array &out_directories, UTF8Array &out_logical_names, BoolArray &out_recurse_flags) const
 Shows the search directories setting. More...
bool ShowSearchDirectoriesByFile (UTF8Array &out_file_names) const
 Shows the search directories by file setting. More...
bool ShowSearchRootDirectory (bool &out_state, bool &out_recursive) const
 Shows the search root directory setting. More...
bool ShowConfiguration (UTF8Array &out_configuration) const
 Shows the configuration settting. More...
bool ShowCatiaV4LogicalNameForRootDirectory (UTF8 &out_name) const
 Shows the Catia V4 logical name for the root directory. More...
bool ShowCatiaV4LogicalNameSearching (bool &out_state) const
 Shows the Catia V4 logical name searching setting. More...
bool ShowCatiaV5Cache (bool &out_active, UTF8 &out_path) const
 Shows the Catia V5 cache setting. More...
bool ShowUnigraphicsPreferredReferenceSets (UTF8Array &out_reference_sets, bool &out_apply_to_all_levels) const
 Shows the Unigraphics preferred reference sets setting. More...
bool ShowUnigraphicsFittedCamera (bool &out_state) const
 Shows the Unigraphics fitted camera setting. More...
bool ShowProECodePageName (UTF8 &out_name) const
 Shows the Pro/E code page name setting. More...
bool ShowProEDimensionTolerance (bool &out_state) const
 Shows the Pro/E dimension tolerance setting. More...
bool ShowProESubpartPMI (bool &out_state) const
 Shows the Pro/E subpart PMI setting. More...
bool ShowProESessionColor (ProE::SessionColor &out_type) const
 Shows the Pro/E session color setting. More...
bool ShowProEDatum (bool &out_state) const
 Shows the Pro/E datum setting. More...
bool ShowProEHomeView (bool &out_state) const
 Shows the Pro/E home view setting. More...
bool ShowProEExplodedViews (bool &out_state) const
 Shows the Pro/E exploded views setting. More...
bool ShowProEMissingBoolean (bool &out_state) const
 Shows the Pro/E missing boolean setting. More...
bool ShowProEMissingFlexibleComponent (bool &out_state) const
 Shows the Pro/E missing flexible setting. More...
bool ShowProEFamilyTableSource (ProE::FamilyTable &out_source) const
 Shows the Pro/E family table setting. More...
bool ShowProEConstructionEntities (ProE::ConstructionEntities &out_state) const
 Shows the Pro/E construction entities setting. More...
bool ShowProESkeletons (bool &out_state) const
 Shows the Pro/E skeletons setting. More...
bool ShowSTEPNamePreference (STEP::Field &out_field) const
 Shows the STEP name preference setting. More...
bool ShowSTEPFirstColorPreference (bool &out_state) const
 Shows the STEP first color preference setting. More...
bool ShowSTEPCodePageName (UTF8 &out_name) const
 Shows the STEP code page name setting. More...
bool ShowSTEPShellBasedSurfaceModelSplitting (bool &out_state) const
 Shows the STEP shell based surface model splitting setting. More...
bool ShowSTEPOrientationHealing (bool &out_state) const
 Shows the STEP orientation healing setting. More...
bool ShowSTEPValidationProperties (bool &out_state) const
 Shows the STEP validation properties setting. More...
bool ShowIFCCodePageName (UTF8 &out_name) const
 Shows the IFC code page name setting. More...
bool ShowIFCAttributeXMLFile (UTF8 &out_filename) const
 Shows the IFC attribute XML file setting. More...
bool ShowIFCOwnerHistoryOptimization (bool &out_state) const
 Shows the IFC owner history optimization setting. More...
bool ShowIFCFaceOptimization (bool &out_state) const
 Shows the IFC face optimization setting. More...
bool ShowIFCEdges (bool &out_state) const
 Shows the IFC edges setting. More...
bool ShowIFCMetadata (bool &out_state) const
 Shows the IFC metadata setting. More...
bool ShowPDF3DStreamIndex (size_t &out_index) const
 Shows the PDF 3D stream index setting. More...
bool ShowJTTessellationLevel (JT::TessellationLevel &out_tessellation_level) const
 Shows the JT tessellation level setting. More...
bool ShowInventorEmbeddedTessellation (bool &out_state) const
 Shows the Inventor embedded tessellation setting. More...
bool ShowPRCReadHelper (bool &out_use_helper) const
 Shows the PRC read helper setting. More...
bool ShowAnnotationCaptureFitting (AnnotationCaptureFitting &out_fitting) const
 Shows the annotation capture fitting setting. More...
bool ShowLocation (ComponentPath &out_path, MatrixKit &out_transform) const
 Shows the location setting. More...
bool ShowMode (ImportMode &out_mode) const
 Shows the mode setting. More...
bool ShowIncrementalComponentPaths (HPS::ComponentPathArray &out_paths) const
 Shows the incremental component paths setting. More...
bool ShowNURBSConversion (HPS::Exchange::NURBSConversionOptionsKit &out_nurbs_conversion_options) const
 Shows the NURBS conversion setting. More...
bool ShowGeometryDefaultColor (RGBAColor &out_color) const
 Shows the geometry default color setting. More...
virtual HPS::Type Type () const
 This function returns the true type of the underlying object. More...
virtual void Reset ()
 Resets this object to its initial, uninitialized state. More...
bool HasType (HPS::Type in_mask) const
 This function indicates whether this Object has the given Type mask. More...
intptr_t GetClassID () const
 Returns a unique identifier that is shared by all objects of the same class. More...
intptr_t GetInstanceID () const
 Returns an identifier that can be used to identify which instance of a class an object is. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static ImportOptionsKit GetDefault ()
 Creates an ImportOptionsKit which contains the default settings. More...
template<typename T >
static intptr_t ClassID ()
 Unique identifier for this class. More...

Static Public Attributes

static const HPS::Type staticType = HPS::Type::ExchangeImportOptionsKit

Detailed Description

The HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit class is a user space object.

It contains settings controlling what and how data is imported via Exchange. Calling HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::GetDefault() will return an options kit with values found in here.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ImportOptionsKit() [1/3]

HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::ImportOptionsKit ( )

The default constructor creates an empty ImportOptionsKit object.

◆ ImportOptionsKit() [2/3]

HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::ImportOptionsKit ( ImportOptionsKit const &  in_kit)

The copy constructor creates a new ImportOptionsKit object that contains the same settings as the source ImportOptionsKit.

in_kitThe source ImportOptionsKit to copy.

◆ ImportOptionsKit() [3/3]

HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::ImportOptionsKit ( ImportOptionsKit &&  in_that)

The move constructor creates an ImportOptionsKit by transferring the underlying impl of the rvalue reference to this ImportOptionsKit thereby avoiding a copy and allocation.

in_thatAn rvalue reference to an ImportOptionsKit to take the impl from.

◆ ~ImportOptionsKit()

virtual HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::~ImportOptionsKit ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ ClassID()

template<typename T >
static intptr_t HPS::Object::ClassID ( )

Unique identifier for this class.

Note: this method uses construction of static objects. If used in a constructor, it should be used in the body not the initializer list.

◆ Empty()

bool HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::Empty ( ) const

Indicates whether this ImportOptionsKit has any values set on it.

true if no values are set on this ImportOptionsKit, false otherwise.

Reimplemented from HPS::Object.

◆ Equals()

bool HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::Equals ( ImportOptionsKit const &  in_kit) const

Check if the source ImportOptionsKit is equivalent to this ImportOptionsKit.

in_kitThe source ImportOptionsKit to compare to this ImportOptionsKit.
true if the objects are equivalent, false otherwise.

◆ GetClassID()

intptr_t HPS::Object::GetClassID ( ) const

Returns a unique identifier that is shared by all objects of the same class.

A unique value shared by all objects of the same class.

◆ GetDefault()

static ImportOptionsKit HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::GetDefault ( )

Creates an ImportOptionsKit which contains the default settings.

The returned object will not necessarily have values set for every option, but it will have settings for those options where it is reasonable to have a default. These values will be used for import unless an option is overridden by the options passed to File::Import(const char*,const ImportOptionsKit&) or File::Translate.

An ImportOptionsKit with the default settings.

◆ GetInstanceID()

intptr_t HPS::Object::GetInstanceID ( ) const

Returns an identifier that can be used to identify which instance of a class an object is.

Different keys and controls will return the same value if they are backed by the same database resource.

A value unique to an instance of an object and all objects that are backed by the same database resource.

◆ HasType()

bool HPS::Object::HasType ( HPS::Type  in_mask) const

This function indicates whether this Object has the given Type mask.

in_maskThe Type mask to check against this Object.
true if this Object has the given Type mask, false otherwise.

◆ ObjectType()

HPS::Type HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::ObjectType ( ) const

Reimplemented from HPS::SprocketKit.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator!=()

bool HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::operator!= ( ImportOptionsKit const &  in_kit) const

Check if the source ImportOptionsKit is not equivalent to this ImportOptionsKit.

in_kitThe source ImportOptionsKit to compare to this ImportOptionsKit.
true if the objects are not equivalent, false otherwise.

◆ operator=() [1/2]

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::operator= ( ImportOptionsKit &&  in_that)

The move assignment operator transfers the underlying impl of the rvalue reference to this ImportOptionsKit thereby avoiding a copy.

in_thatAn rvalue reference to an ImportOptionsKit to take the impl from.
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ operator=() [2/2]

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::operator= ( ImportOptionsKit const &  in_kit)

Copies the source ImportOptionsKit into this ImportOptionsKit.

in_kitThe source ImportOptionsKit to copy.
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ operator==()

bool HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::operator== ( ImportOptionsKit const &  in_kit) const

Check if the source ImportOptionsKit is equivalent to this ImportOptionsKit.

in_kitThe source ImportOptionsKit to compare to this ImportOptionsKit.
true if the objects are equivalent, false otherwise.

◆ Reset()

◆ Set()

void HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::Set ( ImportOptionsKit const &  in_kit)

Copies the source ImportOptionsKit into this ImportOptionsKit.

in_kitThe source ImportOptionsKit to copy.

◆ SetActiveFilter()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::SetActiveFilter ( bool  in_state)

Sets whether to only import data from the active filter in the CAD file.

This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsGeneralData::m_bReadActiveFilter.

in_stateWhether to only import data from the active filter in the CAD file.
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.
See also
Default value

◆ SetAnnotationCaptureFitting()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::SetAnnotationCaptureFitting ( AnnotationCaptureFitting  in_fitting)

Sets the type of data that should be used to generate the camera for annotation captures.

in_fittingThe type of fitting to use for annotation captures.
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ SetAttributes()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::SetAttributes ( bool  in_state)

Sets whether to import attributes (or metadata) from the CAD file.

Even if attributes are not imported, some things like names and certain IDs will be available, though all other attributes will not be. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsGeneralData::m_bReadAttributes.

in_stateWhether to import attributes from the CAD file.
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.
See also
Default value

◆ SetBRepMode()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::SetBRepMode ( BRepMode  in_mode)

Sets the import mode for BRep data in the CAD file.

This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsGeneralData::m_eReadGeomTessMode.

in_modeThe import mode for BRep data in the CAD file.
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.
See also
Default value

◆ SetCatiaV4LogicalNameForRootDirectory()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::SetCatiaV4LogicalNameForRootDirectory ( char const *  in_name)

Sets the logical name for the root directory for a Catia V4 file.

This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsCatiaV4Data::m_pcRootDirLogicalName.

in_nameUTF8-encoded logical name for the root directory for a Catia V4 file.
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.
See also
Default value

◆ SetCatiaV4LogicalNameSearching()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::SetCatiaV4LogicalNameSearching ( bool  in_state)

Sets the whether to allow searching in additional logical names for a Catia V4 file.

This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsCatiaV4Data::m_bAllowSearchInOtherLogicalNames.

in_stateWhether to allow searching in addtional logical names for a Catia V4 file.
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.
See also
Default value

◆ SetCatiaV5Cache()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::SetCatiaV5Cache ( bool  in_active,
char const *  in_path 

Sets whether to use the a cache for a Catia V5 file.

in_activeWhether the cache should be activated for a Catia V5 file. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsCatiaV5Data::m_bCacheActivation.
in_pathUTF8-encoded path to the folder to be used for the Catia V5 cache. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to and A3DRWParamsCatiaV5Data::m_pcCachePath.
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.
See also
Default value

◆ SetConfiguration() [1/3]

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::SetConfiguration ( char const *  in_configuration)

Sets the configuration to import from a CAD file.

This is only applicable to Catia V4, Solidworks and I-deas file formats. If no configuration is specified, the default configuration will be loaded if possible. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsMultiEntriesData::m_ppcEntries.

in_configurationUTF8-encoded configuration name to import from a CAD file.
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ SetConfiguration() [2/3]

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::SetConfiguration ( size_t  in_count,
UTF8 const  in_configuration[] 

Sets a nested configuration to import from a CAD file.

This is only applicable to Catia V4, Solidworks and I-deas file formats. If no configuration is specified, the default configuration will be loaded if possible. These correspond to the values that will be passed to A3DRWParamsMultiEntriesData::m_ppcEntries.

in_countSize of the following array.
in_configurationList of nested configuration names to import from a CAD file.
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ SetConfiguration() [3/3]

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::SetConfiguration ( UTF8Array const &  in_configuration)

Sets a nested configuration to import from a CAD file.

This is only applicable to Catia V4, Solidworks and I-deas file formats. If no configuration is specified, the default configuration will be loaded if possible. These correspond to the values that will be passed to A3DRWParamsMultiEntriesData::m_ppcEntries.

in_configurationList of nested configuration names to import from a CAD file.
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ SetConstructionAndReferences()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::SetConstructionAndReferences ( bool  in_state)

Sets whether to import construction and references from the CAD file.

This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsGeneralData::m_bReadConstructionAndReferences.

in_stateWhether to import construction and references from the CAD file.
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.
See also
Default value

◆ SetDefaultUnits()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::SetDefaultUnits ( Units  in_units)

Sets the units to use for a CAD file if it is not well defined.

This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsGeneralData::m_eDefaultUnit.

in_unitsThe units to use for the CAD file if it is not well defined.
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.
See also
Default value

◆ SetDrawings()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::SetDrawings ( bool  in_state)

Sets whether to import drawings from the CAD file.

This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsGeneralData::m_bReadDrawings.

in_stateWhether to import 2d drawings from the CAD file.
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.
See also
Default value

◆ SetFeatureTrees()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::SetFeatureTrees ( bool  in_state)

Sets whether to import feature trees from the CAD file.

This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsGeneralData::m_bReadFeature. The following Import Options are incompatible with Feature Trees: sewing, importing a file using multiple processes, and using the Incremental import Mode. Furthermore, features are only supported in files of the following formats: CatiaV5, NX (also known as Unigraphics) and ProE (also known as Creo).

in_stateWhether to import feature trees from the CAD file.
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.
See also
Default value

◆ SetGeometryDefaultColor()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::SetGeometryDefaultColor ( RGBAColor const &  in_color)

Sets the color to use for non-PMI geometry in the CAD file if none is specified.

in_colorThe color to use for non-PMI geometry in the CAD file if none is specified.
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.
See also

◆ SetHiddenObjects()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::SetHiddenObjects ( bool  in_state)

Sets whether to import hidden objects from the CAD file.

This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsGeneralData::m_bReadHiddenObjects.

in_stateWhether to import hidden objects from the CAD file.
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.
See also
Default value

◆ SetIFCAttributeXMLFile()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::SetIFCAttributeXMLFile ( char const *  in_filename)

Sets the file to write attribute data to in XML format for an IFC file.

This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsIFCData::m_pcXMLFilePathForAttributes.

in_filenameUTF8-encoded filename for attribute data.
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.
See also
Default value

◆ SetIFCCodePageName()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::SetIFCCodePageName ( char const *  in_name)

Sets the code page name for an IFC file.

This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsIFCData::m_pcCodePageName.

in_nameUTF8-encoded code page name for an IFC file.
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.
See also
Default value

◆ SetIFCEdges()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::SetIFCEdges ( bool  in_state)

Sets whether to import edges for IFC files When this is set to false the import time will decrease.

It is still possible to achieve visual fidelity by turning on hard edge visibility.

in_stateWhether to import edges for an IFC file.
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.
See also
Default value

◆ SetIFCFaceOptimization()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::SetIFCFaceOptimization ( bool  in_state)

Sets whether to optimize importing of faces.

Setting this to true will reduce the number of polyhedra generated during the import. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsIFCData::m_bFACETED_BREPAsOnFace.

in_stateWhether to optimize face import for an IFC file.
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.
See also
Default value

◆ SetIFCMetadata()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::SetIFCMetadata ( bool  in_state)

Sets whether to import all IFC metadata or to import only each part's GloablID.

. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsIFCData::m_bAttributesOnlyGlobalId.

in_stateWhether to import all IFC metadata or to import only each part's GlobalID
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.
See also
Default value

◆ SetIFCOwnerHistoryOptimization()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::SetIFCOwnerHistoryOptimization ( bool  in_state)

Sets whether to optimize the setting of IFCOWNERHISTORY for an IFC file.

This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsIFCData::m_bIFCOWNERHISTORYOptimized.

in_stateWhether to optimize the setting of IFCOWNERHISTORY for an IFC file.
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.
See also
Default value

◆ SetIncrementalComponentPath()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::SetIncrementalComponentPath ( HPS::ComponentPath const &  in_path)

The path to the product occurrence to load.

This option should only be used if a file was imported incrementally (i.e., with the SetMode option set to ImportMode::Incremental) and the specified path has not already been loaded, otherwise an exception will be thrown from the ImportNotifier. Note that you can check the load status of a product occurrence by using ProductOccurrence::GetLoadStatus. The leaf of the path should be a product occurrence, though if it is not, the closest product occurrence in the path will be loaded. It is important to note that this option is mutually exclusive with the mode option, i.e., if one is set, the other will be unset.

in_pathThe path to the product occurrence to load.
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.
See also

◆ SetIncrementalComponentPaths() [1/2]

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::SetIncrementalComponentPaths ( size_t  in_count,
HPS::ComponentPath const  in_paths[] 

The paths to the product occurrences to load.

This option has the same behavior and limitations as SetIncrementalPath, but allows one to specify multiple paths to load.

in_countSize of the following array.
in_pathsThe paths to the product occurrences to load.
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.
See also

◆ SetIncrementalComponentPaths() [2/2]

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::SetIncrementalComponentPaths ( HPS::ComponentPathArray const &  in_paths)

The paths to the product occurrences to load.

This option has the same behavior and limitations as SetIncrementalPath, but allows one to specify multiple paths to load.

in_pathsThe paths to the product occurrences to load.
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.
See also

◆ SetInventorEmbeddedTessellation()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::SetInventorEmbeddedTessellation ( bool  in_state)

Whether to use the tessellation embedded in the file, for Inventor files.

This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsInventorData::m_bUseTessForFile.

in_stateWhether to use the tessellation embedded in the file.
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ SetJTTessellationLevel()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::SetJTTessellationLevel ( JT::TessellationLevel  in_jt_tessellation_level)

Sets the tessellation level to load for JT files.

This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsJTData::m_eReadTessellationLevelOfDetail.

in_jt_tessellation_levelThe tessellation level to load.
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.
See also
Default value

◆ SetLocation()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::SetLocation ( ComponentPath const &  in_path,
MatrixKit const &  in_transform = MatrixKit() 

Sets where to insert the imported file in an existing Component hierarchy.

If this option is not set, a new CADModel will be created for the imported file. If this option is specified, the underlying PRC data of the existing CADModel will be modified to include the imported file and the data will be imported into the specified location in the existing Component hierarchy and its corresponding scene graph.

in_pathThe path describing the location to insert the imported file into. This path must either terminate at a CADModel or a Component corresponding to an A3DAsmProductOccurrence. Note that if the imported file is added along a component path with attributes specified in the PRC data, the components added to the existing PRC data will also inherit those attributes. Note also that if the path is just a CADModel, a new A3DAsmModelFile underyling the CADModel must be created to include both the existing product occurrences and the new product occurrences, and the existing A3DAsmModelFile will be deleted.
in_transformA transform to apply to the components being added to the existing CADModel. This transform will also be added to the underlying PRC data. Defaults to an identity transform.
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ SetMode()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::SetMode ( ImportMode  in_mode)

Sets the type of import to perform.

If set to ImportMode::Incremental, only the structural components of the CAD file will be created, but the underlying representation items will not be loaded. These empty product occurrence objects can then be loaded by using the SetIncrementalComponentPath or SetIncrementalComponentPaths functions. If set to ImportMode::Complete, the CAD file will be imported respecting the other specified import options. It is important to note that incremental import can only be performed for certain formats (see ImportMode::Incremental for the specific formats). Trying to use incremental import with an unsupported format will cause the import to fail and an exception to be thrown by the ImportNotifier. Also it is important to note that this option is mutually exclusive with the incremental component path option, i.e., if one is set, the other will be unset.

in_modeThe type of import to perform.
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.
See also

◆ SetMultiProcessCount()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::SetMultiProcessCount ( unsigned int  in_count)

Sets the number of processes to use when performing the import.

This should be a value between 1 and the number of cores on your system.

Values greater than 1 can only be used for imports of certain formats, in particular, JT, SolidWorks, NX (Unigraphics), Creo (Pro/E), and CATIA V5 files.
in_countThe number of processes to use when performing the import.
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ SetNURBSConversion()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::SetNURBSConversion ( HPS::Exchange::NURBSConversionOptionsKit const &  in_nurbs_conversion_options)

Converts the curves and surfaces of the model file according to the options specified.

in_nurbs_conversion_optionsThe options to use during conversion
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ SetPDF3DStreamIndex()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::SetPDF3DStreamIndex ( size_t  in_index)

Sets the index into the list 3D streams contained in a PDF to load.

in_indexThe index into the list of 3D stream contained in a PDF to load.
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.
See also
Default value

◆ SetPMI()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::SetPMI ( bool  in_state)

Sets whether to import PMI from the CAD file.

This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsGeneralData::m_bReadPmis.

in_stateWhether to import PMI from the CAD file.
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.
See also
Default value

◆ SetPMIDefaultColor()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::SetPMIDefaultColor ( RGBColor const &  in_color,
bool  in_override_color = false 

Sets the color to use for the PMI in the CAD file if none is specified.

This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsPmiData::m_sDefaultColor. Optionally, it is possible to force all PMI to appear in the specified color. Thie corresponds to the value what will be passed to A3DRWParamsPmiData::m_bAlwaysUseDefaultColor.

in_colorThe color to use for the PMI in the CAD file if none is specified.
in_override_colorWhether to force all PMIs to use the color specified by in_color.
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.
See also
Default value

◆ SetPMIDefaultUnits()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::SetPMIDefaultUnits ( Units  in_units)

Sets the units to use for the PMI in the CAD file if it is not well defined.

This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsPmiData::m_eDefaultUnit.

in_unitsThe units to use for the PMI in the CAD file if it is not well defined.
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.
See also
Default value

◆ SetPMIFlipping()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::SetPMIFlipping ( bool  in_flip)

Dictates whether Visualize will flip pmi when rotating so that text / symbols remain readable.

If exchange reports that a markup does not contain leader lines, but the tessellation does contain lines that markup will not be flipped. This is a precaution for models where the leader line geometry was included as part of the markup tessellation and flipping the geometry would cause any present leader lines to point in the wrong direction.
in_flipWhether or not to have Visualize flip pmi when rotating.
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ SetPMIPrecision()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::SetPMIPrecision ( size_t  in_precision)

Sets the precision to use for PMI which has no precision information in the CAD file.

This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsPmiData::m_iNumberOfDigitsAfterDot.

in_precisionThe precision to use for PMI which has no precision information in the CAD file.
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.
See also
Default value

◆ SetPMISubstitutionFont()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::SetPMISubstitutionFont ( char const *  in_font_name,
bool  in_always_substitute = false 

Sets the font to use to replace those referenced by the CAD file but which are not present on the system.

in_font_nameUTF8-encoded name of the font to use to replaced those referenced by the CAD file but which are not present on the system. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsPmiData::m_pcSubstitutionFont.
in_always_substituteWhether to always use this font even in place of those which are present on the system. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsPmiData::m_bAlwaysSubstituteFont.
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ SetPRCReadHelper()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::SetPRCReadHelper ( bool  in_use_helper)

Sets whether to create an A3DRWParamsPrcReadHelper when importing a PRC file or a PRC stream.

The resulting A3DRWParamsPrcReadHelper can be accessed by Exchange::ImportNotifier::GetPRCReadHelper.

in_use_helperWhether to create an A3DRWParamsPrcReadHelper during import.
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.
See also

◆ SetProECodePageName()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::SetProECodePageName ( char const *  in_name)

Sets the code page name for a Pro/E file.

This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsProEData::m_pcCodePageName.

in_nameUTF8-encoded code page name for a Pro/E file.
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.
See also
Default value

◆ SetProEConstructionEntities()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::SetProEConstructionEntities ( ProE::ConstructionEntities  in_state)

Sets whether to import construction entities for a Pro/E file This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsProEData::m_eReadConstrucEntities.

in_stateWhether to import construction entities for a Pro/E file
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.
See also
Default value

◆ SetProEDatum()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::SetProEDatum ( bool  in_state)

Sets whether datums are visible, for a Pro/E file This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsProEData::m_bDisplayVisibleDatum.

in_sourceWhether visible datums are visible for a Pro/E file.
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.
See also
Default value

◆ SetProEDimensionTolerance()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::SetProEDimensionTolerance ( bool  in_state)

Sets whether to import dimension tolerances for a Pro/E file.

This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsProEData::m_bDisplayTolerance.

in_stateWhether to import dimension tolerances for a Pro/E file.
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.
See also
Default value

◆ SetProEExplodedViews()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::SetProEExplodedViews ( bool  in_state)

Sets whether to create additional Views for a Pro/E file, with each view representing an explode state.

This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsProEData::m_bReadExplodeStateAsView.

in_sourceWhether to create a views for exploded states, for a Pro/E file.
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.
See also
Default value

◆ SetProEFamilyTableSource()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::SetProEFamilyTableSource ( ProE::FamilyTable  in_source)

Sets the source for Family Tables for a Pro/E file This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsProEData::m_eFamilyTables.

in_sourceSets the family tables source for a Pro/E file.
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.
See also
Default value

◆ SetProEHomeView()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::SetProEHomeView ( bool  in_state)

Sets whether to create an additional Home View for a Pro/E file.

This view will reflect the state in which the file was saved. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsProEData::m_bComputeHomeView.

in_sourceWhether to create a home view for a Pro/E file.
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.
See also
Default value

◆ SetProEMissingBoolean()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::SetProEMissingBoolean ( bool  in_state)

Sets whether to import the entities making up a boolean operation for a Pro/E file, in the case where the tessellation for the result of this boolean operation cannot be found.

This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsProEData::m_bBoolOpUseGenericIfNoTess.

in_stateWhether to import the entities of a boolean operation for which there is no available tessellation for a Pro/E file.
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.
See also
Default value

◆ SetProEMissingFlexibleComponent()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::SetProEMissingFlexibleComponent ( bool  in_state)

Sets whether to try to import a flexible component for a Pro/E file, even in the case where the tessellation for the component cannot be found.

This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsProEData::m_bFlexCompUseGenericIfNoTess.

in_stateWhether to always try to import a flexible component, even in the event of missing tessellation, for a Pro/E file.
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.
See also
Default value

◆ SetProESessionColor()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::SetProESessionColor ( ProE::SessionColor  in_type)

Sets the session color for a Pro/E file.

This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsProEData::m_eSessionColorType.

in_typeThe session color for a Pro/E file.
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.
See also
Default value

◆ SetProESkeletons()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::SetProESkeletons ( bool  in_state)

Sets whether to import skeleton entities for a Pro/E file.

This corresponds to the inverse value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsProEData::m_bHideSkeletons.

in_stateWhether import skeleton entities for a Pro/E file.
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.
See also
Default value

◆ SetProESubpartPMI()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::SetProESubpartPMI ( bool  in_state)

Sets whether to import subpart PMI for a Pro/E file.

This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsProEData::m_bDisplaySubpartAnnotations.

in_stateWhether to import subpart PMI for a Pro/E file.
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.
See also
Default value

◆ SetSearchDirectories() [1/4]

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::SetSearchDirectories ( size_t  in_count,
UTF8 const  in_directories[],
bool const  in_recurse_flags[] 

Sets the directories to search to find files referenced by a CAD assembly.

If no search directories are set, the directory containing the CAD assembly will be searched recursively. These correspond to the values that will be passed to A3DRWParamsAssemblyData::m_ppcSearchDirectories.

in_countSize of the following arrays.
in_directoriesThe directories to search for files references by a CAD assembly.
in_recurse_flagsWhether to search recursively in each of the corresponding directories.
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ SetSearchDirectories() [2/4]

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::SetSearchDirectories ( UTF8Array const &  in_directories,
BoolArray const &  in_recurse_flags 

Sets the directories to search to find files referenced by a CAD assembly.

If no search directories are set, the directory containing the CAD assembly will be searched recursively. If the size of the directory and flag arrays are different, the smaller size will be used. These correspond to the values that will be passed to A3DRWParamsAssemblyData::m_ppcSearchDirectories.

in_directoriesThe directories to search for files references by a CAD assembly.
in_recurse_flagsWhether to search recursively in each of the corresponding directories.
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ SetSearchDirectories() [3/4]

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::SetSearchDirectories ( size_t  in_count,
UTF8 const  in_directories[],
UTF8 const  in_logical_names[],
bool const  in_recurse_flags[] 

Sets the directories to search to find files referenced by a CAD assembly.

This variant additionally allows the specification of logical names for each search directory for use by Catia V4 files. If no search directories are set, the directory containing the CAD assembly will be searched recursively. These correspond to the values that will be passed to A3DRWParamsAssemblyData::m_ppcSearchDirectories.

in_countSize of the following arrays.
in_directoriesThe directories to search for files references by a CAD assembly.
in_logical_namesThe logical names for each corresponding directory. If there are no logical names for the directories, this value can be null.
in_recurse_flagsWhether to search recursively in each of the corresponding directories.
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.
See also

◆ SetSearchDirectories() [4/4]

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::SetSearchDirectories ( UTF8Array const &  in_directories,
UTF8Array const &  in_logical_names,
BoolArray const &  in_recurse_flags 

Sets the directories to search to find files referenced by a CAD assembly.

This variant additionally allows the specification of logical names for each search directory for use by Catia V4 files. If no search directories are set, the directory containing the CAD assembly will be searched recursively. If the size of the directory, (non-empty) logical name, or flag arrays are different, the smallest size will be used. These correspond to the values that will be passed to A3DRWParamsAssemblyData::m_ppcSearchDirectories.

in_directoriesThe directories to search for files references by a CAD assembly.
in_logical_namesThe logical names for each corresponding directory. If there are no logical names for the directories, this array can be empty.
in_recurse_flagsWhether to search recursively in each of the corresponding directories.
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.
See also

◆ SetSearchDirectoriesByFile() [1/2]

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::SetSearchDirectoriesByFile ( size_t  in_count,
UTF8 const  in_file_names[] 

Sets the directories to search to find files referenced by a CAD assembly.

This is an alternative manner to specify search directories by using text files which contain lists of directories to search. These correspond to the values will be passed to A3DRWParamsAssemblyData::m_ppcPathDefinitions.

in_countSize of the following array.
in_file_namesThe names of text files containing the lists of directories to search to find files referenced by a CAD assembly.
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ SetSearchDirectoriesByFile() [2/2]

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::SetSearchDirectoriesByFile ( UTF8Array const &  in_file_names)

Sets the directories to search to find files referenced by a CAD assembly.

This is an alternative manner to specify search directories by using text files which contain lists of directories to search. These correspond to the values will be passed to A3DRWParamsAssemblyData::m_ppcPathDefinitions.

in_file_namesThe names of text files containing the lists of directories to search to find files referenced by a CAD assembly.
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ SetSearchRootDirectory()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::SetSearchRootDirectory ( bool  in_state,
bool  in_recursive = true 

Sets whether to search the CAD file root directory for sub-parts.

The values passed to this function correspond to A3DRWParamsAssemblyData::m_bUseRootDirectory and A3DRWParamsAssemblyData::m_bRootDirRecursive respectively.

in_stateWhether to search the root CAD file directory for sub-parts
in_recursiveWhether to search subdirectories of the root directory for sub-parts. This option is only considered if in_state is true, and the subdirectories are only searched if the sub-parts are not found in the root directory.
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ SetSewingTolerance()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::SetSewingTolerance ( double  in_tolerance)

The sewing tolerance to use on the A3DAsmModelFile after importing a file.

If this option is set, after a file is successfully imported, the A3DAsmModelFile will be passed to A3DAsmModelFileSew with this tolerance.

in_toleranceThe sewing tolerance in millimeters to use on the A3DAsmModelFile after importing a file.
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ SetSolids()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::SetSolids ( bool  in_state)

Sets whether to import solids from the CAD file.

This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsGeneralData::m_bReadSolids.

in_stateWhether to import solids from the CAD file.
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.
See also
Default value

◆ SetSTEPCodePageName()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::SetSTEPCodePageName ( char const *  in_name)

Sets the code page name for a STEP file.

This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsStepData::m_pcCodePageName

in_nameUTF8-encoded code page name for a STEP file.
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.
See also
Default value

◆ SetSTEPFirstColorPreference()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::SetSTEPFirstColorPreference ( bool  in_state)

Sets whether to prefer the first color if geometry has several colors for a STEP file.

This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsStepData::m_bPreferFirstColor.

in_stateWhether to prefer the first color if geometry has several colors for a STEP file.
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.
See also
Default value

◆ SetSTEPNamePreference()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::SetSTEPNamePreference ( STEP::Field  in_field)

Sets the field to get the occurrence name from for a STEP file.

These correspond to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsStepData::m_bPreferProductName and A3DRWParamsStepData::m_eNameFromNAUO.

in_fieldThe field to get the occurrence name from for a STEP file.
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.
See also
Default value

◆ SetSTEPOrientationHealing()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::SetSTEPOrientationHealing ( bool  in_state)

Sets whether to heal orientations for a STEP file.

This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsStepData::m_bHealOrientations.

in_stateWhether to heal orientations for a STEP file.
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.
See also
Default value

◆ SetSTEPShellBasedSurfaceModelSplitting()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::SetSTEPShellBasedSurfaceModelSplitting ( bool  in_state)

Sets whether to split SHELL_BASED_SURFACE_MODEL with several OPEN_SHELLs into several bodies for a STEP file.

This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsStepData::m_bSplitSHELL_BASED_SURFACE_MODEL.

in_stateWhether to split SHELL_BASED_SURFACE_MODEL with several OPEN_SHELLs into several bodies for a STEP file.
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.
See also
Default value

◆ SetSTEPValidationProperties()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::SetSTEPValidationProperties ( bool  in_state)

Sets whether to import validation properties for a STEP file.

This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsStepData::m_bReadValidationProperties. This option is valid only if Attributes are being imported.

in_stateWhether to import validation properties for a STEP file.
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ SetSurfaces()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::SetSurfaces ( bool  in_state)

Sets whether to import surfaces from the CAD file.

This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsGeneralData::m_bReadSurfaces.

in_stateWhether to import surfaces from the CAD file.
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.
See also
Default value

◆ SetTessellationAccuracy()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::SetTessellationAccuracy ( Tessellation::Accuracy  in_type,
bool  in_accurate_normals = true 

Sets the accuracy of the tessellation that will be generated for BRep data.

in_typeThe accuracy to use for tessellation generation.
in_accurate_normalsWhether to compute surface normals when performing accurate tessellation. This only applies if in_type is set to Tessellation::Accuracy::Accurate. This correspond to the (negated) value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsTessellationData::m_bDoNotComputeNormalsInAccurateTessellation.
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.
See also
Default value

◆ SetTessellationCleanup()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::SetTessellationCleanup ( bool  in_cleanup)

Dictates whether Exchange tesselation data will be released from their parent representation items during import.

Setting this option to true will cause future exports to output without tessellation data.
in_cleanupWhether to clean up tessellation data from representation items.
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ SetTessellationLevel() [1/2]

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::SetTessellationLevel ( Tessellation::Level  in_level)

Sets the predefined quality of the tessellation that will be generated for BRep data.

This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsTessellationData::m_eTessellationLevelOfDetail.

in_levelThe predefined quality of the tessellation that will be generated for BRep data.
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.
See also
Default value

◆ SetTessellationLevel() [2/2]

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::SetTessellationLevel ( Tessellation::Chord::Limit  in_limit_type,
double  in_limit,
double  in_angle_tolerance 

Sets the user defined quality of the tessellation that will be generated for BRep data.

This implicitly sets A3DRWParamsTessellationData::m_eTessellationLevel to kA3DTessLODUserDefined.

in_limit_typeThe type of the chord limit to be specified.
in_limitEither the ratio of the tessellation chord height to the bounding box height which should be in the range [50, 10000], or the maximum distance between the surface definition and the tessellation approximation, depending on the preceding argument.
in_angle_toleranceThe maximum angle in degrees between two consecutive wire elements in the generated tessellation which should be in the range [10, 40]. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsTessellationData::m_dAngleToleranceDeg.
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ SetTessellationMaximumEdgeLength()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::SetTessellationMaximumEdgeLength ( double  in_length)

Sets the maximum length of triangle edges in the tessellation generated for BRep data.

This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsTessellationData::m_dMaximalTriangleEdgeLength.

in_lengthThe maximum length of triangle edges in the tessellation generated for BRep data. The value must be non-negative, and if set to 0.0, the length will not be used when generating the tessellation.
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.
See also
Default value

◆ SetTessellationPreservesUVPoints()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::SetTessellationPreservesUVPoints ( bool  in_state)

Sets whether to keep parametric points as texture coordinates when generating the tessellation for BRep data.

This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsTessellationData::m_bKeepUVPoints.

in_stateWhether to keep parametric points as texture coordinates when generating the tessellation for BRep data.
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.
See also
Default value

◆ SetTextureDirectories() [1/2]

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::SetTextureDirectories ( size_t  in_count,
UTF8 const  in_directories[] 

Sets the directories to search to find textures referenced by a CAD assembly.

If no search directories are set, the directory containing the CAD assembly will be searched recursively. These correspond to the values that will be passed to A3DRWParamsGeneralData::m_ppcSearchTextureDirectories.

in_countSize of the following arrays.
in_directoriesThe directories to search for textures referenced by a CAD assembly.
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ SetTextureDirectories() [2/2]

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::SetTextureDirectories ( UTF8Array const &  in_directories)

Sets the directories to search to find textures referenced by a CAD assembly.

If no search directories are set, the directory containing the CAD assembly will be searched recursively. These correspond to the values that will be passed to A3DRWParamsGeneralData::m_ppcSearchTextureDirectories.

in_directoriesThe directories to search for textures referenced by a CAD assembly.
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ SetUnigraphicsFittedCamera()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::SetUnigraphicsFittedCamera ( bool  in_state)

Sets whether to make view cameras fitted for a Unigraphics file.

in_stateWhether to make view cameras fit all visible geometry for a Unigraphics file. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsUnigraphicsData::m_bFitAllToUpdateViewCameras.
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.
See also
Default value

◆ SetUnigraphicsPreferredReferenceSets() [1/2]

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::SetUnigraphicsPreferredReferenceSets ( size_t  in_count,
UTF8 const  in_reference_sets[],
bool  in_apply_to_all_levels 

Sets the preferred reference sets for a Unigraphics file.

in_countSize of the following array.
in_reference_setsList of preferred references sets for a Unigraphics file. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsUnigraphicsData::m_ppcPreferredReferenceSets.
in_apply_to_all_levelsWhether the reference sets will apply to subassemblies for a Unigraphics file. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsUnigraphicsData::m_bApplyToAllLevels.
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.
See also
Default value

◆ SetUnigraphicsPreferredReferenceSets() [2/2]

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::SetUnigraphicsPreferredReferenceSets ( UTF8Array const &  in_reference_sets,
bool  in_apply_to_all_levels 

Sets the preferred reference sets for a Unigraphics file.

in_reference_setsList of preferred references sets for a Unigraphics file. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsUnigraphicsData::m_ppcPreferredReferenceSets.
in_apply_to_all_levelsWhether the reference sets will apply to subassemblies for a Unigraphics file. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsUnigraphicsData::m_bApplyToAllLevels.
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.
See also
Default value

◆ SetWireframes()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::SetWireframes ( bool  in_state)

Sets whether to import wireframes from the CAD file.

This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DRWParamsGeneralData::m_bReadWireframes.

in_stateWhether to import wireframes from the CAD file.
A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.
See also
Default value

◆ Show()

void HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::Show ( ImportOptionsKit out_kit) const

Copies this ImportOptionsKit into the given ImportOptionsKit.

out_kitThe ImportOptionsKit to populate with the contents of this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ ShowActiveFilter()

bool HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::ShowActiveFilter ( bool &  out_state) const

Shows the active filter import setting.

out_stateWhether to only import data from the active filter in the CAD file.
true if an active filter import setting was specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowAnnotationCaptureFitting()

bool HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::ShowAnnotationCaptureFitting ( AnnotationCaptureFitting out_fitting) const

Shows the annotation capture fitting setting.

out_fittingThe type of fitting to use for annotation captures.
true if an annotation capture fitting setting was specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowAttributes()

bool HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::ShowAttributes ( bool &  out_state) const

Shows the attribute import setting.

out_stateWhether to import attributes from the CAD file.
true if an attribute import setting was specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowBRepMode()

bool HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::ShowBRepMode ( BRepMode out_mode) const

Shows the BRep mode import setting.

out_modeThe import mode for BRep data in the CAD file.
true if a BRep mode import setting was specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowCatiaV4LogicalNameForRootDirectory()

bool HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::ShowCatiaV4LogicalNameForRootDirectory ( UTF8 out_name) const

Shows the Catia V4 logical name for the root directory.

out_nameThe Catia V4 logical name for the root directory.
true if a Catia V4 logical name for the root directory setting was specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowCatiaV4LogicalNameSearching()

bool HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::ShowCatiaV4LogicalNameSearching ( bool &  out_state) const

Shows the Catia V4 logical name searching setting.

out_stateWhether to allow searching in addtional logical names for a Catia V4 file.
true if a Catia V4 logical name searching setting was specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowCatiaV5Cache()

bool HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::ShowCatiaV5Cache ( bool &  out_active,
UTF8 out_path 
) const

Shows the Catia V5 cache setting.

out_activeWhether the cache should be activated for a Catia V5 file.
out_pathThe path to the folder to be used for the Catia V5 cache.
true if a Catia V5 cache setting was specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowConfiguration()

bool HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::ShowConfiguration ( UTF8Array out_configuration) const

Shows the configuration settting.

out_configurationList of nested configuration names to import from a CAD file.
true if a configuation setting was specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowConstructionAndReferences()

bool HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::ShowConstructionAndReferences ( bool &  out_state) const

Shows the construction and references import setting.

out_stateWhether to import construction and references from the CAD file.
true if a construction and references import setting was specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowDefaultUnits()

bool HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::ShowDefaultUnits ( Units out_units) const

Shows the default units setting.

out_unitsThe default units setting.
true if a default units setting was specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowDrawings()

bool HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::ShowDrawings ( bool &  out_state) const

Shows the drawings import setting.

out_stateWhether to import 2d drawings from the CAD file.
true if a drawings import setting was specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowFeatureTrees()

bool HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::ShowFeatureTrees ( bool &  out_state) const

Shows the feature trees import setting.

out_stateWhether to import feature trees from the CAD file.
true if a feature trees import setting was specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowGeometryDefaultColor()

bool HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::ShowGeometryDefaultColor ( RGBAColor out_color) const

Shows the geometry default color setting.

out_colorThe geometry default color setting.
true if a geometry default color setting was specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowHiddenObjects()

bool HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::ShowHiddenObjects ( bool &  out_state) const

Shows the hidden objects import setting.

out_stateWhether to import hidden objects from the CAD file.
true if a hidden objects import setting was specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowIFCAttributeXMLFile()

bool HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::ShowIFCAttributeXMLFile ( UTF8 out_filename) const

Shows the IFC attribute XML file setting.

out_filenameThe filename for attribute data for an IFC file.
true if an IFC attribute XML file setting was specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowIFCCodePageName()

bool HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::ShowIFCCodePageName ( UTF8 out_name) const

Shows the IFC code page name setting.

out_nameThe code page name for an IFC file.
true if an IFC code page name setting was specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowIFCEdges()

bool HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::ShowIFCEdges ( bool &  out_state) const

Shows the IFC edges setting.

out_stateWhether to import edges for an IFC file.
true if an IFC edge setting was specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowIFCFaceOptimization()

bool HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::ShowIFCFaceOptimization ( bool &  out_state) const

Shows the IFC face optimization setting.

out_stateWhether to optimize face import for an IFC file.
true if an IFC face optimization setting was specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowIFCMetadata()

bool HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::ShowIFCMetadata ( bool &  out_state) const

Shows the IFC metadata setting.

out_stateWhether to import all IFC metadata or just each part's GloablID
true if an IFC metadata setting was specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowIFCOwnerHistoryOptimization()

bool HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::ShowIFCOwnerHistoryOptimization ( bool &  out_state) const

Shows the IFC owner history optimization setting.

out_stateWhether to optimize the setting of IFCOWNERHISTORY for an IFC file.
true if an IFC owner history optimization setting was specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowIncrementalComponentPaths()

bool HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::ShowIncrementalComponentPaths ( HPS::ComponentPathArray out_paths) const

Shows the incremental component paths setting.

out_pathsThe paths to the product occurrences to load.
true if an incremental component paths setting was specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowInventorEmbeddedTessellation()

bool HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::ShowInventorEmbeddedTessellation ( bool &  out_state) const

Shows the Inventor embedded tessellation setting.

out_stateThe embedded tessellation setting for Inventor files.
true if an Inventor embedded tessellation setting was specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowJTTessellationLevel()

bool HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::ShowJTTessellationLevel ( JT::TessellationLevel out_tessellation_level) const

Shows the JT tessellation level setting.

out_tessellation_levelThe tessellation level used when loading the JT file
true if a JT tessellation level setting was specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowLocation()

bool HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::ShowLocation ( ComponentPath out_path,
MatrixKit out_transform 
) const

Shows the location setting.

out_pathThe path describing the location to insert the imported file into.
out_transformThe transform to apply to the components being added to the existing CADModel.
true if a location setting was specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowMode()

bool HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::ShowMode ( ImportMode out_mode) const

Shows the mode setting.

out_modeThe type of import to perform.
true if a mode setting was specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowMultiProcessCount()

bool HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::ShowMultiProcessCount ( unsigned int &  out_count) const

Shows the multi-process count setting.

out_countThe number of processes to use when performing the import.
true if a multi-process count setting was specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowNURBSConversion()

bool HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::ShowNURBSConversion ( HPS::Exchange::NURBSConversionOptionsKit out_nurbs_conversion_options) const

Shows the NURBS conversion setting.

out_nurbs_conversion_optionsThe options to be used during the conversion.
true if NURBS conversion setting was specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowPDF3DStreamIndex()

bool HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::ShowPDF3DStreamIndex ( size_t &  out_index) const

Shows the PDF 3D stream index setting.

out_indexThe index into the list of 3D stream contained in a PDF to load.
true if a PDF 3D stream index setting was specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowPMI()

bool HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::ShowPMI ( bool &  out_state) const

Shows the PMI import setting.

out_stateWhether to import PMI from the CAD file.
true if a PMI import setting was specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowPMIDefaultColor()

bool HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::ShowPMIDefaultColor ( RGBColor out_color,
bool &  out_override 
) const

Shows the PMI default color setting.

out_colorThe PMI default color setting.
out_overrideWhether out_color overrides all PMI color
true if a PMI default color setting was specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowPMIDefaultUnits()

bool HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::ShowPMIDefaultUnits ( Units out_units) const

Shows the PMI default units setting.

out_unitsThe PMI default units setting.
true if a PMI default units setting was specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowPMIFlipping()

bool HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::ShowPMIFlipping ( bool &  out_pmi_flipping) const

Shows the pmi flipping setting.

out_pmi_flippingThe pmi flipping setting that was specified.
true if a pmi flipping setting was specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowPMIPrecision()

bool HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::ShowPMIPrecision ( size_t &  out_precision) const

Shows the PMI precision setting.

out_precisionThe precision to use for PMI which has no precision information in the CAD file.
true if a PMI precision setting was specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowPMISubstitutionFont()

bool HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::ShowPMISubstitutionFont ( UTF8 out_font_name,
bool &  out_always_substitute 
) const

Shows the PMI substitution font setting.

out_font_nameUTF8-encoded name of the font to use to replaced those referenced by the CAD file but which are not present on the system.
out_always_substituteWhether to always use this font even in place of those which are present on the system.
true if a PMI substitution font setting was specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowPRCReadHelper()

bool HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::ShowPRCReadHelper ( bool &  out_use_helper) const

Shows the PRC read helper setting.

out_use_helperWhether to create an A3DRWParamsPrcReadHelper during import.
true if a PRC read helper setting was specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowProECodePageName()

bool HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::ShowProECodePageName ( UTF8 out_name) const

Shows the Pro/E code page name setting.

out_nameThe code page name for a Pro/E file.
true if a Pro/E code page name setting was specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowProEConstructionEntities()

bool HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::ShowProEConstructionEntities ( ProE::ConstructionEntities out_state) const

Shows the Pro/E construction entities setting.

out_stateHow to import construction entities, for a Pro/E file.
true if a Pro/E construction entities setting was specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowProEDatum()

bool HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::ShowProEDatum ( bool &  out_state) const

Shows the Pro/E datum setting.

out_stateWhether datums are visible, for a Pro/E file.
true if a Pro/E datum setting was specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowProEDimensionTolerance()

bool HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::ShowProEDimensionTolerance ( bool &  out_state) const

Shows the Pro/E dimension tolerance setting.

out_stateWhether to import dimension tolerances for a Pro/E file.
true if a Pro/E dimension tolerance setting was specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowProEExplodedViews()

bool HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::ShowProEExplodedViews ( bool &  out_state) const

Shows the Pro/E exploded views setting.

out_stateWhether to create one view for each exploded state, for a Pro/E file.
true if a Pro/E exploded views setting was specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowProEFamilyTableSource()

bool HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::ShowProEFamilyTableSource ( ProE::FamilyTable out_source) const

Shows the Pro/E family table setting.

out_sourceHow to import family tables, for a Pro/E file.
true if a Pro/E family table setting was specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowProEHomeView()

bool HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::ShowProEHomeView ( bool &  out_state) const

Shows the Pro/E home view setting.

out_stateWhether to create a home view, for a Pro/E file.
true if a Pro/E home view setting was specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowProEMissingBoolean()

bool HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::ShowProEMissingBoolean ( bool &  out_state) const

Shows the Pro/E missing boolean setting.

out_stateWhether to import boolean entities when their tessellation is missing, for a Pro/E file.
true if a Pro/E missing boolean setting was specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowProEMissingFlexibleComponent()

bool HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::ShowProEMissingFlexibleComponent ( bool &  out_state) const

Shows the Pro/E missing flexible setting.

out_stateWhether to import flexible entities when their tessellation is missing, for a Pro/E file.
true if a Pro/E missing flexible setting was specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowProESessionColor()

bool HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::ShowProESessionColor ( ProE::SessionColor out_type) const

Shows the Pro/E session color setting.

out_typeThe session color for a Pro/E file.
true if a Pro/E session color setting was specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowProESkeletons()

bool HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::ShowProESkeletons ( bool &  out_state) const

Shows the Pro/E skeletons setting.

out_stateWhether to import skeletons, for a Pro/E file.
true if a Pro/E skeletons setting was specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowProESubpartPMI()

bool HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::ShowProESubpartPMI ( bool &  out_state) const

Shows the Pro/E subpart PMI setting.

out_stateWhether to import subpart PMI for a Pro/E file.
true if a Pro/E subpart PMI setting was specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowSearchDirectories()

bool HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::ShowSearchDirectories ( UTF8Array out_directories,
UTF8Array out_logical_names,
BoolArray out_recurse_flags 
) const

Shows the search directories setting.

out_directoriesThe directories to search for files referenced by a CAD assembly.
out_logical_namesThe logical names for each corresponding directory. If there are no logical names for the directories, this array can be empty.
out_recurse_flagsWhether to search recursively in each of the corresponding directories.
true if a search directories setting was specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowSearchDirectoriesByFile()

bool HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::ShowSearchDirectoriesByFile ( UTF8Array out_file_names) const

Shows the search directories by file setting.

out_file_namesThe names of text files containing the lists of directories to search to find files referenced by a CAD assembly.
true if a search directories by file setting was specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowSearchRootDirectory()

bool HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::ShowSearchRootDirectory ( bool &  out_state,
bool &  out_recursive 
) const

Shows the search root directory setting.

out_stateWhether to search the CAD file root directory for sub-parts
out_recursiveWhether to search subdirectories of the CAD file root directory for sub-parts, if they are not found in the root directory.
true if a root search setting was specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowSewingTolerance()

bool HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::ShowSewingTolerance ( double &  out_tolerance) const

Shows the sewing tolerance setting.

out_toleranceThe sewing tolerance to use on the A3DAsmModelFile after importing a file.
true if a sewing tolerance setting was specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowSolids()

bool HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::ShowSolids ( bool &  out_state) const

Shows the solid import setting.

out_stateWhether to import solids from the CAD file.
true if a solid import setting was specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowSTEPCodePageName()

bool HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::ShowSTEPCodePageName ( UTF8 out_name) const

Shows the STEP code page name setting.

out_nameThe code page name for a STEP file.
true if a STEP code page name setting was specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowSTEPFirstColorPreference()

bool HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::ShowSTEPFirstColorPreference ( bool &  out_state) const

Shows the STEP first color preference setting.

out_stateWhether to prefer the first color if geometry has several colors for a STEP file.
true if a STEP first color preference setting was specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowSTEPNamePreference()

bool HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::ShowSTEPNamePreference ( STEP::Field out_field) const

Shows the STEP name preference setting.

out_fieldThe field to get the occurrence name from for a STEP file.
true if a STEP name preference setting was specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowSTEPOrientationHealing()

bool HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::ShowSTEPOrientationHealing ( bool &  out_state) const

Shows the STEP orientation healing setting.

out_stateThe orientation healing setting for a STEP file.
true if a STEP orientation healing setting was specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowSTEPShellBasedSurfaceModelSplitting()

bool HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::ShowSTEPShellBasedSurfaceModelSplitting ( bool &  out_state) const

Shows the STEP shell based surface model splitting setting.

out_stateWhether to split SHELL_BASED_SURFACE_MODEL with several OPEN_SHELLs into several bodies for a STEP file.
true if a STEP shell based surface model splitting setting was specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowSTEPValidationProperties()

bool HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::ShowSTEPValidationProperties ( bool &  out_state) const

Shows the STEP validation properties setting.

out_stateThe validation properties setting for a STEP file.
true if a STEP validation property setting was specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowSurfaces()

bool HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::ShowSurfaces ( bool &  out_state) const

Shows the surface import setting.

out_stateWhether to import surfaces from the CAD file.
true if a surface import setting was specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowTessellationAccuracy()

bool HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::ShowTessellationAccuracy ( Tessellation::Accuracy out_type,
bool &  out_accurate_normals 
) const

Shows the tessellation accuracy setting.

out_typeThe type of the tessellation accuracy which was specified.
out_accurate_normalsWhether to compute surface normals when performing accurate tessellation. This only applies if out_type is Tessellation::Accuracy::Accurate.
true if a tessellation accuracy setting was specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowTessellationCleanup()

bool HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::ShowTessellationCleanup ( bool &  out_cleanup) const

Shows the tessellation cleanup setting.

out_cleanupThe tesselation cleanup setting that was specified.
true if a tessellation cleanup setting was specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowTessellationLevel()

bool HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::ShowTessellationLevel ( Tessellation::Type out_type,
Tessellation::Level out_level,
Tessellation::Chord::Limit out_limit_type,
double &  out_limit,
double &  out_angle_tolerance 
) const

Shows the tessellation level setting.

out_typeThe type of the tessellation level setting which was specified.
out_levelThe predefined quality of the tessellation that will be generated for BRep data. This is only valid if out_type is Tessellation::Type::Standard.
out_limit_typeThe type of chord limit which was specified. This is only valid if out_type is Tessellation::Type::Custom.
out_limitThe chord limit to use to generate tessellation for BRep data. Its interpretation depends on the preceding argument. This is only valid if out_type is Tessellation::Type::Custom.
out_angle_toleranceThe maximum angle in degrees between two consecutive wire elements in the generated tessellation. This is only valid if out_type is Tessellation::Type::Custom.
true if a tessellation level setting was specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowTessellationMaximumEdgeLength()

bool HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::ShowTessellationMaximumEdgeLength ( double &  out_length) const

Shows the tessellation maximum edge length setting.

out_lengthThe tessellation maximum edge length setting.
true if a tessellation maximum edge length setting was specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowTessellationPreservesUVPoints()

bool HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::ShowTessellationPreservesUVPoints ( bool &  out_state) const

Shows the tessellation UV preservation setting.

out_stateWhether to keep parametric points as texture coordinates when generating the tessellation for BRep data.
true if a tessellation UV preservation setting was specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowTextureDirectories()

bool HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::ShowTextureDirectories ( UTF8Array out_directories) const

Shows the texture search directories setting.

out_directoriesThe directories to search for textures referenced by a CAD assembly.
true if a texture search directories setting was specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowUnigraphicsFittedCamera()

bool HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::ShowUnigraphicsFittedCamera ( bool &  out_state) const

Shows the Unigraphics fitted camera setting.

out_stateWhether to make view cameras fit all visible geometry for a Unigraphics file.
true if a Unigraphics fitted camera setting was specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowUnigraphicsPreferredReferenceSets()

bool HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::ShowUnigraphicsPreferredReferenceSets ( UTF8Array out_reference_sets,
bool &  out_apply_to_all_levels 
) const

Shows the Unigraphics preferred reference sets setting.

out_reference_setsList of preferred references sets for a Unigraphics file.
out_apply_to_all_levelsWhether the reference sets will apply to subassemblies for a Unigraphics file.
true if a Unigraphics preferred reference sets setting was specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowWireframes()

bool HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::ShowWireframes ( bool &  out_state) const

Shows the wireframe import setting.

out_stateWhether to import wireframes from the CAD file.
true if a wireframe import setting was specified, false otherwise.

◆ Type()

◆ UnsetActiveFilter()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::UnsetActiveFilter ( )

Removes the active filter import state.

A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ UnsetAnnotationCaptureFitting()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::UnsetAnnotationCaptureFitting ( )

Removes the annotation capture fitting setting.

A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ UnsetAttributes()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::UnsetAttributes ( )

Removes the attribute import state.

A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ UnsetBRepMode()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::UnsetBRepMode ( )

Removes the BRep mode import setting.

A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ UnsetCatiaV4LogicalNameForRootDirectory()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::UnsetCatiaV4LogicalNameForRootDirectory ( )

Removes the Catia V4 logical name for the root directory setting.

A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ UnsetCatiaV4LogicalNameSearching()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::UnsetCatiaV4LogicalNameSearching ( )

Removes the Catia V4 logical name searching setting.

A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ UnsetCatiaV5Cache()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::UnsetCatiaV5Cache ( )

Removes the Catia V5 cache setting.

A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ UnsetConfiguration()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::UnsetConfiguration ( )

Removes the configuration setting.

A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ UnsetConstructionAndReferences()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::UnsetConstructionAndReferences ( )

Removes the construction and references import state.

A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ UnsetDefaultUnits()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::UnsetDefaultUnits ( )

Removes the default units setting.

A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ UnsetDrawings()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::UnsetDrawings ( )

Removes the drawing state.

A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ UnsetEverything()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::UnsetEverything ( )

Removes all settings from this ImportOptionsKit.

A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ UnsetFeatureTrees()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::UnsetFeatureTrees ( )

Removes the feature trees import state.

A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ UnsetGeometryDefaultColor()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::UnsetGeometryDefaultColor ( )

Removes the geometry default color setting.

A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ UnsetHiddenObjects()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::UnsetHiddenObjects ( )

Removes the hidden objects import state.

A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ UnsetIFCAttributeXMLFile()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::UnsetIFCAttributeXMLFile ( )

Removes the IFC attribute XML file setting.

A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ UnsetIFCCodePageName()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::UnsetIFCCodePageName ( )

Removes the IFC code page name setting.

A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ UnsetIFCEdges()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::UnsetIFCEdges ( )

Removes the IFC edges setting.

A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ UnsetIFCFaceOptimization()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::UnsetIFCFaceOptimization ( )

Removes the IFC face optimization setting.

A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ UnsetIFCMetadata()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::UnsetIFCMetadata ( )

Removes the IFC metadata setting.

A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ UnsetIFCOwnerHistoryOptimization()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::UnsetIFCOwnerHistoryOptimization ( )

Removes the IFC owner history optimization setting.

A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ UnsetIncrementalComponentPaths()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::UnsetIncrementalComponentPaths ( )

Removes the incremental component paths setting.

A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ UnsetInventorEmbeddedTessellation()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::UnsetInventorEmbeddedTessellation ( )

Removes the Inventor embedded tessellation setting.

A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ UnsetJTTessellationLevel()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::UnsetJTTessellationLevel ( )

Removes the JT tessellation level setting.

A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ UnsetLocation()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::UnsetLocation ( )

Removes the location setting.

A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ UnsetMode()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::UnsetMode ( )

Removes the mode setting.

A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ UnsetMultiProcessCount()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::UnsetMultiProcessCount ( )

Removes the multi-process count setting.

A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ UnsetNURBSConversion()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::UnsetNURBSConversion ( )

Removes the NURBS conversion setting.

A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ UnsetPDF3DStreamIndex()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::UnsetPDF3DStreamIndex ( )

Removes the PDF 3D stream index setting.

A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ UnsetPMI()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::UnsetPMI ( )

Removes the PMI import state.

A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ UnsetPMIDefaultColor()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::UnsetPMIDefaultColor ( )

Removes the PMI default color setting.

A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ UnsetPMIDefaultUnits()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::UnsetPMIDefaultUnits ( )

Removes the PMI default units setting.

A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ UnsetPMIFlipping()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::UnsetPMIFlipping ( )

Removes the pmi flipping setting.

A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ UnsetPMIPrecision()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::UnsetPMIPrecision ( )

Removes the PMI precision setting.

A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ UnsetPMISubstitutionFont()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::UnsetPMISubstitutionFont ( )

Removes the PMI substitution font setting.

A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ UnsetPRCReadHelper()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::UnsetPRCReadHelper ( )

Removes the PRC read helper setting.

A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ UnsetProECodePageName()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::UnsetProECodePageName ( )

Removes the Pro/E code page name setting.

A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ UnsetProEConstructionEntities()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::UnsetProEConstructionEntities ( )

Removes the Pro/E construction entities setting.

A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ UnsetProEDatum()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::UnsetProEDatum ( )

Removes the Pro/E datum setting.

A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ UnsetProEDimensionTolerance()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::UnsetProEDimensionTolerance ( )

Removes the Pro/E dimension tolerance setting.

A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ UnsetProEExplodedViews()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::UnsetProEExplodedViews ( )

Removes the Pro/E exploded views setting.

A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ UnsetProEFamilyTreeSource()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::UnsetProEFamilyTreeSource ( )

Removes the Pro/E family table setting.

A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ UnsetProEHomeView()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::UnsetProEHomeView ( )

Removes the Pro/E home view setting.

A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ UnsetProEMissingBoolean()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::UnsetProEMissingBoolean ( )

Removes the Pro/E missing boolean setting.

A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ UnsetProEMissingFlexibleComponent()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::UnsetProEMissingFlexibleComponent ( )

Removes the Pro/E missing flexible setting.

A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ UnsetProESessionColor()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::UnsetProESessionColor ( )

Removes the Pro/E session color setting.

A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ UnsetProESkeletons()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::UnsetProESkeletons ( )

Removes the Pro/E skeletons setting.

A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ UnsetProESubpartPMI()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::UnsetProESubpartPMI ( )

Removes the Pro/E subpart PMI setting.

A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ UnsetSearchDirectories()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::UnsetSearchDirectories ( )

Removes the search directories setting.

A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ UnsetSearchDirectoriesByFile()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::UnsetSearchDirectoriesByFile ( )

Removes the search directories by file setting.

A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ UnsetSearchRootDirectory()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::UnsetSearchRootDirectory ( )

Removes the search root directory setting.

A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ UnsetSewingTolerance()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::UnsetSewingTolerance ( )

Removes the sewing tolerance setting.

A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ UnsetSolids()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::UnsetSolids ( )

Removes the solid import state.

A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ UnsetSTEPCodePageName()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::UnsetSTEPCodePageName ( )

Removes the STEP code page name setting.

A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ UnsetSTEPFirstColorPreference()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::UnsetSTEPFirstColorPreference ( )

Removes the STEP first color preference setting.

A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ UnsetSTEPNamePreference()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::UnsetSTEPNamePreference ( )

Removes the STEP name preference setting.

A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ UnsetSTEPOrientationHealing()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::UnsetSTEPOrientationHealing ( )

Removes the STEP orientation healing setting.

A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ UnsetSTEPShellBasedSurfaceModelSplitting()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::UnsetSTEPShellBasedSurfaceModelSplitting ( )

Removes the STEP shell based surface model splitting setting.

A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ UnsetSTEPValidationProperties()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::UnsetSTEPValidationProperties ( )

Removes the STEP validation properties setting.

A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ UnsetSurfaces()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::UnsetSurfaces ( )

Removes the surface import state.

A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ UnsetTessellationAccuracy()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::UnsetTessellationAccuracy ( )

Removes the tessellation accuracy setting.

A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ UnsetTessellationCleanup()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::UnsetTessellationCleanup ( )

Removes the tessellation cleanup setting.

A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ UnsetTessellationLevel()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::UnsetTessellationLevel ( )

Removes the tessellation level setting.

A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ UnsetTessellationMaximumEdgeLength()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::UnsetTessellationMaximumEdgeLength ( )

Removes the tessellation maximum edge length setting.

A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ UnsetTessellationPreservesUVPoints()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::UnsetTessellationPreservesUVPoints ( )

Removes the tessellation UV preservation setting.

A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ UnsetTextureDirectories()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::UnsetTextureDirectories ( )

Removes the texture search directories setting.

A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ UnsetUnigraphicsFittedCamera()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::UnsetUnigraphicsFittedCamera ( )

Removes the Unigraphics fitted camera setting.

A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ UnsetUnigraphicsPreferredReferenceSets()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::UnsetUnigraphicsPreferredReferenceSets ( )

Removes the Unigraphics preferred reference sets setting.

A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

◆ UnsetWireframes()

ImportOptionsKit& HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::UnsetWireframes ( )

Removes the wireframe import state.

A reference to this ImportOptionsKit.

Member Data Documentation

◆ staticType

const HPS::Type HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit::staticType = HPS::Type::ExchangeImportOptionsKit

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: