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HPS::SelectionOptionsControl Class Reference

#include <hps.h>

Inheritance diagram for HPS::SelectionOptionsControl:
Collaboration diagram for HPS::SelectionOptionsControl:

Public Member Functions

 SelectionOptionsControl (WindowKey const &in_window)
 This constructor creates a SelectionOptionsControl object which is tied to the specified window. More...
 SelectionOptionsControl (SelectionOptionsControl const &in_that)
 The copy constructor creates a SelectionOptionsControl object that shares the underlying smart-pointer of the source SelectionOptionsControl. More...
 SelectionOptionsControl (SelectionOptionsControl &&in_that)
 The move constructor creates a SelectionOptionsControl by transferring the underlying impl of the rvalue reference to this SelectionOptionsControl thereby avoiding a copy and allocation. More...
SelectionOptionsControloperator= (SelectionOptionsControl &&in_that)
 The move assignment operator transfers the underlying impl of the rvalue reference to this SelectionOptionsControl thereby avoiding a copy. More...
 ~SelectionOptionsControl ()
virtual HPS::Type Type () const
 This function returns the true type of the underlying object. More...
HPS::Type ObjectType () const
SelectionOptionsControloperator= (SelectionOptionsControl const &in_that)
 Share the underlying smart-pointer of the SelectionOptionsControl source. More...
SelectionOptionsControlSetProximity (float in_proximity)
 Sets the selection proximity in centimeters or object-relative-units (ORU), depending on the selection-routine being utilized. More...
SelectionOptionsControlSetLevel (Selection::Level in_level)
 Sets the level at which selection will occur. More...
SelectionOptionsControlSetInternalLimit (size_t in_limit)
 Sets the internal selection limit. More...
SelectionOptionsControlSetRelatedLimit (size_t in_limit)
 Sets the related selection limit. More...
SelectionOptionsControlSetSorting (bool in_sorting)
 Sets whether to sort selection results. More...
SelectionOptionsControlSetSorting (Selection::Sorting in_sorting)
 Sets how selection results will be sorted. More...
SelectionOptionsControlSetAlgorithm (Selection::Algorithm in_algorithm)
 Sets the type of selection algorithm to use. More...
SelectionOptionsControlSetGranularity (Selection::Granularity in_granularity)
 Sets the selection granularity to use. More...
SelectionOptionsControlSetExtentCullingRespected (bool in_state)
 Sets whether to respect the extent culling option during selection. More...
SelectionOptionsControlSetDeferralExtentCullingRespected (bool in_state)
 Sets whether to respect the deferral extent culling option during selection. More...
SelectionOptionsControlSetFrustumCullingRespected (bool in_state)
 Sets whether to respect the frustum culling option during selection. More...
SelectionOptionsControlSetVectorCullingRespected (bool in_state)
 Sets whether to respect the vector culling option during selection. More...
SelectionOptionsControlUnsetProximity ()
 Removes the Proximity setting from this control. More...
SelectionOptionsControlUnsetLevel ()
 Removes the Selection Level setting from this control. More...
SelectionOptionsControlUnsetInternalLimit ()
 Removes the Internal Limit setting from this control. More...
SelectionOptionsControlUnsetRelatedLimit ()
 Removes the Related Limit setting from this control. More...
SelectionOptionsControlUnsetSorting ()
 Removes the Sorting setting from this control. More...
SelectionOptionsControlUnsetAlgorithm ()
 Removes the Algorithm setting from this control. More...
SelectionOptionsControlUnsetGranularity ()
 Removes the Granularity setting from this control. More...
SelectionOptionsControlUnsetExtentCullingRespected ()
 Removes the Extent Culling setting from this control. More...
SelectionOptionsControlUnsetDeferralExtentCullingRespected ()
 Removes the Deferral Culling setting from this control. More...
SelectionOptionsControlUnsetFrustumCullingRespected ()
 Removes the Frustum Culling setting from this control. More...
SelectionOptionsControlUnsetVectorCullingRespected ()
 Removes the Vector Culling setting from this control. More...
SelectionOptionsControlUnsetEverything ()
 Removes all settings from this control. More...
bool ShowProximity (float &out_proximity) const
 Shows the selection proximity for the associated window. More...
bool ShowLevel (Selection::Level &out_level) const
 Shows the selection level for the associated window. More...
bool ShowInternalLimit (size_t &out_limit) const
 Shows the internal selection limit for the associated window. More...
bool ShowRelatedLimit (size_t &out_limit) const
 Shows the related selection limit for the associated window. More...
bool ShowSorting (Selection::Sorting &out_sorting) const
 Shows the type of selection sorting for the associated window. More...
bool ShowAlgorithm (Selection::Algorithm &out_algorithm) const
 Shows the selection algorithm for the associated window. More...
bool ShowGranularity (Selection::Granularity &out_granularity) const
 Shows the selection granularity for the associated window. More...
bool ShowExtentCullingRespected (bool &out_state) const
 Shows the extent culling respected state for the associated window. More...
bool ShowDeferralExtentCullingRespected (bool &out_state) const
 Shows the deferral extent culling respected state for the associated window. More...
bool ShowFrustumCullingRespected (bool &out_state) const
 Shows the frustum culling respected state for the associated window. More...
bool ShowVectorCullingRespected (bool &out_state) const
 Shows the vector culling respected state for the associated window. More...
virtual bool Empty () const
 Indicates whether this object has any values set on it. More...
virtual void Reset ()
 Resets this object to its initial, uninitialized state. More...
bool HasType (HPS::Type in_mask) const
 This function indicates whether this Object has the given Type mask. More...
intptr_t GetClassID () const
 Returns a unique identifier that is shared by all objects of the same class. More...
intptr_t GetInstanceID () const
 Returns an identifier that can be used to identify which instance of a class an object is. More...

Static Public Member Functions

template<typename T >
static intptr_t ClassID ()
 Unique identifier for this class. More...

Static Public Attributes

static const HPS::Type staticType = HPS::Type::SelectionOptionsControl

Private Member Functions

 SelectionOptionsControl ()
 Private default constructor to prevent instantiation without a window. More...

Detailed Description

The HPS::SelectionOptionsControl class is a smart pointer that is tied to a database object. It is used to set selection related options on a HPS::WindowKey. Options include the selection algorithm, granularity, internal limit, related limit, level, proximity, and sorting. Default values for the various fields of HPS::SelectionOptionsControl can be found here.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ SelectionOptionsControl() [1/4]

HPS::SelectionOptionsControl::SelectionOptionsControl ( WindowKey const &  in_window)

This constructor creates a SelectionOptionsControl object which is tied to the specified window.

in_windowThe window which this SelectionOptionsControl should operate on.

◆ SelectionOptionsControl() [2/4]

HPS::SelectionOptionsControl::SelectionOptionsControl ( SelectionOptionsControl const &  in_that)

The copy constructor creates a SelectionOptionsControl object that shares the underlying smart-pointer of the source SelectionOptionsControl.

in_thatThe source SelectionOptionsControl to copy.

◆ SelectionOptionsControl() [3/4]

HPS::SelectionOptionsControl::SelectionOptionsControl ( SelectionOptionsControl &&  in_that)

The move constructor creates a SelectionOptionsControl by transferring the underlying impl of the rvalue reference to this SelectionOptionsControl thereby avoiding a copy and allocation.

in_thatAn rvalue reference to a SelectionOptionsControl to take the impl from.

◆ ~SelectionOptionsControl()

HPS::SelectionOptionsControl::~SelectionOptionsControl ( )

◆ SelectionOptionsControl() [4/4]

HPS::SelectionOptionsControl::SelectionOptionsControl ( )

Private default constructor to prevent instantiation without a window.

Member Function Documentation

◆ ClassID()

template<typename T >
static intptr_t HPS::Object::ClassID ( )

Unique identifier for this class.

Note: this method uses construction of static objects. If used in a constructor, it should be used in the body not the initializer list.

◆ Empty()

virtual bool HPS::Object::Empty ( ) const

Indicates whether this object has any values set on it.

true if no values are set on this object, false otherwise.

Reimplemented in HPS::STL::ImportResultsKit, HPS::STL::ImportOptionsKit, HPS::OBJ::ImportResultsKit, HPS::OBJ::ImportOptionsKit, HPS::Hardcopy::File::ExportOptionsKit, HPS::Stream::ExportOptionsKit, HPS::Stream::ImportResultsKit, HPS::Stream::ImportOptionsKit, HPS::PointCloud::ImportOptionsKit, HPS::PointCloud::ImportResultsKit, HPS::UpdateOptionsKit, HPS::HighlightSearchOptionsKit, HPS::HighlightOptionsKit, HPS::SelectionOptionsKit, HPS::SearchOptionsKit, HPS::CutGeometryGatheringOptionsKit, HPS::ShapeKit, HPS::ShaderKit, HPS::Shader::ImportOptionsKit, HPS::ImageKit, HPS::Image::ImportOptionsKit, HPS::Image::ExportOptionsKit, HPS::TextureOptionsKit, HPS::LinePatternKit, HPS::LinePatternParallelKit, HPS::LinePatternOptionsKit, HPS::GlyphKit, HPS::ApplicationWindowOptionsKit, HPS::OffScreenWindowOptionsKit, HPS::StandAloneWindowOptionsKit, HPS::GridKit, HPS::PolygonKit, HPS::MeshKit, HPS::ShellKit, HPS::ShellRelationResultsKit, HPS::ShellRelationOptionsKit, HPS::ShellOptimizationOptionsKit, HPS::TextKit, HPS::EllipticalArcKit, HPS::EllipseKit, HPS::TrimKit, HPS::NURBSSurfaceKit, HPS::NURBSCurveKit, HPS::SpotlightKit, HPS::InfiniteLineKit, HPS::CuttingSectionKit, HPS::CircularWedgeKit, HPS::CircularArcKit, HPS::CircleKit, HPS::SphereKit, HPS::CylinderKit, HPS::DistantLightKit, HPS::MarkerKit, HPS::LineKit, HPS::AttributeLockKit, HPS::FontInfoState, HPS::WindowInfoKit, HPS::DebuggingKit, HPS::SubwindowKit, HPS::ContourLineKit, HPS::VisualEffectsKit, HPS::TransformMaskKit, HPS::PostProcessEffectsKit, HPS::DrawingAttributeKit, HPS::HiddenLineAttributeKit, HPS::PerformanceKit, HPS::NURBSSurfaceAttributeKit, HPS::MaterialKit, HPS::MaterialMappingKit, HPS::MatrixKit, HPS::CurveAttributeKit, HPS::EdgeAttributeKit, HPS::LineAttributeKit, HPS::TextAttributeKit, HPS::CuttingSectionAttributeKit, HPS::CylinderAttributeKit, HPS::LightingAttributeKit, HPS::SphereAttributeKit, HPS::MarkerAttributeKit, HPS::CullingKit, HPS::ColorInterpolationKit, HPS::TransparencyKit, HPS::SelectabilityKit, HPS::CameraKit, HPS::VisibilityKit, HPS::BoundingKit, HPS::SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit, HPS::Publish::ExportOptionsKit, HPS::Publish::TextFieldKit, HPS::Publish::SignatureFieldKit, HPS::Publish::DropDownListKit, HPS::Exchange::TessellationOptionsKit, HPS::Publish::ListBoxKit, HPS::Exchange::ExportSTEPOptionsKit, HPS::Exchange::ExportParasolidOptionsKit, HPS::Publish::RadioButtonKit, HPS::Exchange::ExportIGESOptionsKit, HPS::Exchange::ExportXMLOptionsKit, HPS::Publish::CheckBoxKit, HPS::Exchange::ExportU3DOptionsKit, HPS::Exchange::ExportSTLOptionsKit, HPS::Publish::ButtonKit, HPS::Exchange::ExportPRCOptionsKit, HPS::Publish::LinkKit, HPS::Exchange::ExportJTOptionsKit, HPS::Publish::SlideTableKit, HPS::Exchange::ExportACISOptionsKit, HPS::Publish::TableKit, HPS::Exchange::Export3MFOptionsKit, HPS::Publish::ImageKit, HPS::Publish::TextKit, HPS::Exchange::ModelFileImportOptionsKit, HPS::Publish::ViewKit, HPS::Exchange::TranslationOptionsKit, HPS::Publish::ArtworkKit, HPS::Publish::AnnotationKit, HPS::ComponentPath, HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit, HPS::Parasolid::ExportOptionsKit, HPS::Exchange::NURBSConversionOptionsKit, HPS::Parasolid::LineTessellationKit, HPS::Exchange::Configuration, HPS::Publish::PageKit, HPS::Parasolid::FacetTessellationKit, HPS::Publish::DocumentKit, HPS::Parasolid::ImportOptionsKit, HPS::DWG::ImportOptionsKit, HPS::OOC::ImportOptionsKit, HPS::Sketchup::ImportOptionsKit, and HPS::Sketchup::ImportResultsKit.

◆ GetClassID()

intptr_t HPS::Object::GetClassID ( ) const

Returns a unique identifier that is shared by all objects of the same class.

A unique value shared by all objects of the same class.

◆ GetInstanceID()

intptr_t HPS::Object::GetInstanceID ( ) const

Returns an identifier that can be used to identify which instance of a class an object is.

Different keys and controls will return the same value if they are backed by the same database resource.

A value unique to an instance of an object and all objects that are backed by the same database resource.

◆ HasType()

bool HPS::Object::HasType ( HPS::Type  in_mask) const

This function indicates whether this Object has the given Type mask.

in_maskThe Type mask to check against this Object.
true if this Object has the given Type mask, false otherwise.

◆ ObjectType()

HPS::Type HPS::SelectionOptionsControl::ObjectType ( ) const

Reimplemented from HPS::Control.

◆ operator=() [1/2]

SelectionOptionsControl& HPS::SelectionOptionsControl::operator= ( SelectionOptionsControl &&  in_that)

The move assignment operator transfers the underlying impl of the rvalue reference to this SelectionOptionsControl thereby avoiding a copy.

in_thatAn rvalue reference to a SelectionOptionsControl to take the impl from.
A reference to this SelectionOptionsControl.

◆ operator=() [2/2]

SelectionOptionsControl& HPS::SelectionOptionsControl::operator= ( SelectionOptionsControl const &  in_that)

Share the underlying smart-pointer of the SelectionOptionsControl source.

in_thatThe SelectionOptionsControl source of the assignment.
A reference to this SelectionOptionsControl.

◆ Reset()

◆ SetAlgorithm()

SelectionOptionsControl& HPS::SelectionOptionsControl::SetAlgorithm ( Selection::Algorithm  in_algorithm)

Sets the type of selection algorithm to use.

This setting has no effect on object space selections (i.e., select by shell, volume and ray).

in_algorithmThe type of selection algorithm to use.
A reference to this SelectionOptionsControl.
See also
Default value

◆ SetDeferralExtentCullingRespected()

SelectionOptionsControl& HPS::SelectionOptionsControl::SetDeferralExtentCullingRespected ( bool  in_state)

Sets whether to respect the deferral extent culling option during selection.

If this value is set to false, the deferral extent culling option (see HPS::CullingControl) will be ignored.

in_stateWhether to respect the deferral extent culling option during selection.
A reference to this SelectionOptionsControl.
See also
Default value

◆ SetExtentCullingRespected()

SelectionOptionsControl& HPS::SelectionOptionsControl::SetExtentCullingRespected ( bool  in_state)

Sets whether to respect the extent culling option during selection.

If this value is set to false, the extent culling option (see HPS::CullingControl) will be ignored.

in_stateWhether to respect the extent culling option during selection.
A reference to this SelectionOptionsControl.
See also
Default value

◆ SetFrustumCullingRespected()

SelectionOptionsControl& HPS::SelectionOptionsControl::SetFrustumCullingRespected ( bool  in_state)

Sets whether to respect the frustum culling option during selection.

If this value is set to false, the frustum culling option (see HPS::CullingControl) will be ignored.

in_stateWhether to respect the frustum culling option during selection.
A reference to this SelectionOptionsControl.
See also
Default value

◆ SetGranularity()

SelectionOptionsControl& HPS::SelectionOptionsControl::SetGranularity ( Selection::Granularity  in_granularity)

Sets the selection granularity to use.

in_granularityThe selection granularity to use.
A reference to this SelectionOptionsControl.
See also
Default value

◆ SetInternalLimit()

SelectionOptionsControl& HPS::SelectionOptionsControl::SetInternalLimit ( size_t  in_limit)

Sets the internal selection limit.

The internal selection limit is the maximum number of subentities for shells and meshes that will be returned if performing subentity selection.

in_limitThe internal selection limit.
A reference to this SelectionOptionsControl.
See also
Default value

◆ SetLevel()

SelectionOptionsControl& HPS::SelectionOptionsControl::SetLevel ( Selection::Level  in_level)

Sets the level at which selection will occur.

in_levelThe level at which selection will occur.
A reference to this SelectionOptionsControl.
See also
Default value

◆ SetProximity()

SelectionOptionsControl& HPS::SelectionOptionsControl::SetProximity ( float  in_proximity)

Sets the selection proximity in centimeters or object-relative-units (ORU), depending on the selection-routine being utilized.

The selection proximity augments point-based or shell-based selections by also factoring in the area surrounding the selection-point or selection-shell.

For HPS::SelectionControl::SelectByPoint, this specifies the radius in centimeters around the selection within which objects will be returned as selected. The value must be positive.

For HPS::SelectionControl::SelectByShell, this specifies a distance in object-relative-units that determines whether a selection is performed. A positive proximity value will cause the selection algorithm to perform a selection when the distance between the two bodies is <= proximity, which means the bodies do not have to be touching in order for Visualize to perform a selection. If the proximity == 0, the bodies must be coincident or penetrating for a selection to occur. If proximity < 0, the shells must penetrate each other by at least that amount before a selection is performed.

Selection proximity is not relevant for other selection types.

When using HPS::SelectionControl::SelectByShell, false positives or negatives for selection may occur if the proximity and/or selection shells meet any of the following criteria:

  • The absolute value of a negative proximity is much larger than the actual intersection of the shells. An example would be a shell that represents a thin plate or a thinly-walled tube, and the specified proximity is larger than the thickness of the plate or tube.
  • Selection shells ("probes") have vertices with complex intersections
  • Selection shells ("probes") have concavities, especially multiple adjacent concavities.
in_proximityThe radius around the selection within which objects will be returned as selected.
A reference to this SelectionOptionsKit.
See also
Default value
Collision detection proximity

◆ SetRelatedLimit()

SelectionOptionsControl& HPS::SelectionOptionsControl::SetRelatedLimit ( size_t  in_limit)

Sets the related selection limit.

The related selection limit is the maximum number of items that will be returned as selected when performing a selection. A related selection limit of 0 would result in only the first item getting returned. If the value is greater than 0, this indicates the number of additional items beyond the first to return. The order of these additional items will depend on whether sorting is enabled (see SetSorting()).

in_limitLimit on the number of items that will be returned as selected when performing a selection.
A reference to this SelectionOptionsControl.
See also
Default value

◆ SetSorting() [1/2]

SelectionOptionsControl& HPS::SelectionOptionsControl::SetSorting ( bool  in_sorting)

Sets whether to sort selection results.

This is only relevant if the related selection limit is greater than 0 (see SetRelatedLimit). Sorting works on an entity level. Subentity components like edges, vertices and faces are not sorted.

in_sortingWhether to sort selection results. A value of true is equivalent to passing Selection::Sorting::Default to SetSorting(Selection::Sorting), and a value of false is equivalent to passing Selection::Sorting::Off to SetSorting(Selection::Sorting).
A reference to this SelectionOptionsControl.
See also
Default value
This function exists for compatibility and SetSorting(Selection::Sorting) should be preferred in general usage.

◆ SetSorting() [2/2]

SelectionOptionsControl& HPS::SelectionOptionsControl::SetSorting ( Selection::Sorting  in_sorting)

Sets how selection results will be sorted.

This is only relevant if the related selection limit is greater than 0 (see SetRelatedLimit()). Sorting works on an entity level. Subentity components like edges, vertices, and faces are not sorted.

This option has no effect on SelectByShell.

For SelectByPoint, all values of the Selection::Sorting enum apply. Selection::Sorting::Default is an alias for Selection::Sorting::Proximity.

For all other selection types, Selection::Sorting::Proximity does not apply. Selection::Sorting::Default is an alias for Selection::Sorting::ZSorting.

in_sortingThe type of selection sorting to use.
A reference to this SelectionOptionsControl.
See also
Default value
Related limit in Programming Guide

◆ SetVectorCullingRespected()

SelectionOptionsControl& HPS::SelectionOptionsControl::SetVectorCullingRespected ( bool  in_state)

Sets whether to respect the vector culling option during selection.

If this value is set to false, the vector culling option (see HPS::CullingControl) will be ignored.

in_stateWhether to respect the vector culling option during selection.
A reference to this SelectionOptionsControl.
See also
Default value

◆ ShowAlgorithm()

bool HPS::SelectionOptionsControl::ShowAlgorithm ( Selection::Algorithm out_algorithm) const

Shows the selection algorithm for the associated window.

out_algorithmThe selection algorithm for the associated window.
true if the selection algorithm is valid, false otherwise.

◆ ShowDeferralExtentCullingRespected()

bool HPS::SelectionOptionsControl::ShowDeferralExtentCullingRespected ( bool &  out_state) const

Shows the deferral extent culling respected state for the associated window.

out_stateThe deferral extent culling respected state.
true if the deferral extent culling respected state is valid, false otherwise.

◆ ShowExtentCullingRespected()

bool HPS::SelectionOptionsControl::ShowExtentCullingRespected ( bool &  out_state) const

Shows the extent culling respected state for the associated window.

out_stateThe extent culling respected state.
true if the extent culling respected state is valid, false otherwise.

◆ ShowFrustumCullingRespected()

bool HPS::SelectionOptionsControl::ShowFrustumCullingRespected ( bool &  out_state) const

Shows the frustum culling respected state for the associated window.

out_stateThe frustum culling respected state.
true if the frustum culling respected state is valid, false otherwise.

◆ ShowGranularity()

bool HPS::SelectionOptionsControl::ShowGranularity ( Selection::Granularity out_granularity) const

Shows the selection granularity for the associated window.

out_granularityThe selection granularity for the associated window.
true if the selection granularity is valid, false otherwise.

◆ ShowInternalLimit()

bool HPS::SelectionOptionsControl::ShowInternalLimit ( size_t &  out_limit) const

Shows the internal selection limit for the associated window.

out_limitThe internal selection limit for the associated window.
true if the internal selection limit is valid, false otherwise.

◆ ShowLevel()

bool HPS::SelectionOptionsControl::ShowLevel ( Selection::Level out_level) const

Shows the selection level for the associated window.

out_levelThe selection level for the associated window.
true if the level is valid, false otherwise.

◆ ShowProximity()

bool HPS::SelectionOptionsControl::ShowProximity ( float &  out_proximity) const

Shows the selection proximity for the associated window.

out_proximityThe selection proximity for the associated window.
true if the proximity is valid, false otherwise.

◆ ShowRelatedLimit()

bool HPS::SelectionOptionsControl::ShowRelatedLimit ( size_t &  out_limit) const

Shows the related selection limit for the associated window.

out_limitThe related selection limit for the associated window.
true if the related selection limit is valid, false otherwise.

◆ ShowSorting()

bool HPS::SelectionOptionsControl::ShowSorting ( Selection::Sorting out_sorting) const

Shows the type of selection sorting for the associated window.

out_sortingThe type of selection sorting to use for the associated window.
true if the selection sorting type is valid, false otherwise.

◆ ShowVectorCullingRespected()

bool HPS::SelectionOptionsControl::ShowVectorCullingRespected ( bool &  out_state) const

Shows the vector culling respected state for the associated window.

out_stateThe vector culling respected state.
true if the vector culling respected state is valid, false otherwise.

◆ Type()

virtual HPS::Type HPS::SelectionOptionsControl::Type ( ) const

This function returns the true type of the underlying object.

This function is useful for finding the type of smart pointer objects that have been cast to more generic types.

The true type of the object in question.

Reimplemented from HPS::Control.

◆ UnsetAlgorithm()

SelectionOptionsControl& HPS::SelectionOptionsControl::UnsetAlgorithm ( )

Removes the Algorithm setting from this control.

If the control is attached to a WindowKey this function restores the default setting as specified by SelectionOptionsKit::GetDefault().

A reference to this object.

◆ UnsetDeferralExtentCullingRespected()

SelectionOptionsControl& HPS::SelectionOptionsControl::UnsetDeferralExtentCullingRespected ( )

Removes the Deferral Culling setting from this control.

If the control is attached to a WindowKey this function restores the default setting as specified by SelectionOptionsKit::GetDefault().

A reference to this object.

◆ UnsetEverything()

SelectionOptionsControl& HPS::SelectionOptionsControl::UnsetEverything ( )

Removes all settings from this control.

If the control is attached to a WindowKey this function restores the default settings of this control as specified by SelectionOptionsKit::GetDefault().

A reference to this object.

◆ UnsetExtentCullingRespected()

SelectionOptionsControl& HPS::SelectionOptionsControl::UnsetExtentCullingRespected ( )

Removes the Extent Culling setting from this control.

If the control is attached to a WindowKey this function restores the default setting as specified by SelectionOptionsKit::GetDefault().

A reference to this object.

◆ UnsetFrustumCullingRespected()

SelectionOptionsControl& HPS::SelectionOptionsControl::UnsetFrustumCullingRespected ( )

Removes the Frustum Culling setting from this control.

If the control is attached to a WindowKey this function restores the default setting as specified by SelectionOptionsKit::GetDefault().

A reference to this object.

◆ UnsetGranularity()

SelectionOptionsControl& HPS::SelectionOptionsControl::UnsetGranularity ( )

Removes the Granularity setting from this control.

If the control is attached to a WindowKey this function restores the default setting as specified by SelectionOptionsKit::GetDefault().

A reference to this object.

◆ UnsetInternalLimit()

SelectionOptionsControl& HPS::SelectionOptionsControl::UnsetInternalLimit ( )

Removes the Internal Limit setting from this control.

If the control is attached to a WindowKey this function restores the default setting as specified by SelectionOptionsKit::GetDefault().

A reference to this object.

◆ UnsetLevel()

SelectionOptionsControl& HPS::SelectionOptionsControl::UnsetLevel ( )

Removes the Selection Level setting from this control.

If the control is attached to a WindowKey this function restores the default setting as specified by SelectionOptionsKit::GetDefault().

A reference to this object.

◆ UnsetProximity()

SelectionOptionsControl& HPS::SelectionOptionsControl::UnsetProximity ( )

Removes the Proximity setting from this control.

If the control is attached to a WindowKey this function restores the default setting as specified by SelectionOptionsKit::GetDefault().

A reference to this object.

◆ UnsetRelatedLimit()

SelectionOptionsControl& HPS::SelectionOptionsControl::UnsetRelatedLimit ( )

Removes the Related Limit setting from this control.

If the control is attached to a WindowKey this function restores the default setting as specified by SelectionOptionsKit::GetDefault().

A reference to this object.

◆ UnsetSorting()

SelectionOptionsControl& HPS::SelectionOptionsControl::UnsetSorting ( )

Removes the Sorting setting from this control.

If the control is attached to a WindowKey this function restores the default setting as specified by SelectionOptionsKit::GetDefault().

A reference to this object.

◆ UnsetVectorCullingRespected()

SelectionOptionsControl& HPS::SelectionOptionsControl::UnsetVectorCullingRespected ( )

Removes the Vector Culling setting from this control.

If the control is attached to a WindowKey this function restores the default setting as specified by SelectionOptionsKit::GetDefault().

A reference to this object.

Member Data Documentation

◆ staticType

const HPS::Type HPS::SelectionOptionsControl::staticType = HPS::Type::SelectionOptionsControl

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